
  • Dr. Daniel Georgiev has been on the faculty of the University of Toledo's EECS department since Fall 2006. He received the equivalent of a M.S. degree in Engineering Physics (Quantum Electronics and Laser Equipment) from Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, in 1994, and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering (Electronic Materials and Devices) from the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, in 2003. Prior to joining the University of Toledo, he worked as a research faculty at the Center for Smart Sensors and Integrated Microsystems (SSIM), Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. Dr. Georgiev's research interests and area of expertise include: laser modification and micro-structuring of materials, thin films of semiconducting oxides and nitrides, glassy materials and their applications, metal whiskers, wide band gap semiconductors and devices, materials for photovoltaics , materials and devices for biomedical applications.

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  • Daniel G Georgiev


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