Jason M Cox
Associate Professor
Head of Art Education, Art , College of Arts and Letters
Contact Info
Dr. Jason Cox is the head of the Art Education program at the University of Toledo, where he oversees the progress of both undergraduate and graduate students in art education. He believes he has an ethical responsibility to teach students to be anti-racist, to maintain a curriculum that engages meaningfully with the students, and to be open to experimenting with new ideas and media. Dr. Cox developed his professional art education experience over many years as a K-8 Art teacher in Washington DC, and has been supervising student teachers since 2012. He received the Higher Education Division award from the Ohio Art Education Association (OAEA) in 2020 and received the prestigious Manuel Barkan Fellowship from the Ohio State University in 2015.
Dr. Cox has experience with a range of artistic media, but his current research and artwork is focused on the creation of games that investigate emotional and cognitive spaces. His work has been presented and played at every level, from local to international, and has been used as a media for arts-based inquiry into the discourse of power, to facilitate discussion of art within a museum, to create a series of narratively linked works, and to explore concepts of identity in educational settings. Dr. Cox has also devoted a significant portion of his practice to performative media, and was a part of the traveling puppetry troupe Das Puppenspiel in Westfield, NY, and with the Black Cherry Puppet Theater in Baltimore, MD.
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2021What's next?. Artline. 64.
2020Jason Cox reflects on the importance of student-centered collaborative pedagogy. Chiaroscuro: AAEP's Annual Newsletter. 16-17.
2019Rhizomatic Epistemology- Play to Find Out What Happens. Analog Game Studies. 3.
2016Arts-Based Inquiry with Art Educators through American Freeform. International Journal of Role-Playing. 1:27-31.
2015Manipulating Environments in American Freeform. Analog Game Studies. 2.
Book (Faculty180)
2021Five Hundred Year Old Vampire. Central Michigan University Press.
Chapter (Faculty180)
2021Alex Trebek. Death Never Dies. Lee Fearnside.
2020Productive Ephemera. LARP: Dokumentation. MittelPunkt Aufsatzsammlung. 51-58.
2018Surrounding Experiences: Collecting and Presenting Embodied Arts-Based Research. Visually Provoking: Dissertations in Art Education. University of Lapland Press. 80-90.
2016Introduction. Wearable Conditions Catalog. University of Toledo.
Creative Performance (Faculty180)
Creative Production (Faculty180)
Lecture or Panel Discussion (Faculty180)
2020Converting in-person games to online play. Metatopia Game Design Conference.
2020OAEA Secondary Division Meeting. OAEA 2020 Conference.
2020Pre-Service Mini-Conference. OAEA 2020 Conference.
2019When Tools Organize Us. Foundations in Art: Theory and Education Conference.
2018A Fine Romance: Playing a Satisfying Romance in Larp. The Living Games Conference.
2018Praxis and Impacts. The Living Games Conference.
2018When Tools Organize Us. The Mid-America College Art Association (MACAA) Conference .
2016Panel: Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Class. The Living Games Conference.
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2022High-Dosage Tutoring Project. The University of Toledo; Escuela SMART Academy.
Presentation (Faculty180)
Press (Faculty180)
2021Alligator Jason. Artline.
2020Hero's Journey. Artline.
2020Hidden Gems. Artline.
2017Higher Education Division Report. Artline.
2017OAEA Grad or Undergrad Scholarship . Artline.
Teaching Materials (Faculty180)
featured in
- Alligator Jason Press (Faculty180)
- Hero's Journey Press (Faculty180)
- Hidden Gems Press (Faculty180)
- Higher Education Division Report Press (Faculty180)
- OAEA Grad or Undergrad Scholarship Press (Faculty180)
full name
- Jason M Cox