Raghav Khanna
Associate Professor
Leidich Family Endowed Professor of Power Systems, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science , College of Engineering
Contact Info
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2024Hybrid Edge Termination for High-Voltage Vertical GaN Devices: Empirical Validation and Robust Processing Tolerance. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.
2022A Simple Edge Termination Design for Vertical GaN PN Diodes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.
2022Examination of trapping effects on single-event transients in GaN HEMTs. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 70:328.
2022Global Maximum Power Point Tracking in Dynamic Partial Shading Conditions Using Ripple Correlation Control. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 59:2030.
2020Transient Enhancement of Smart Grid Using SMES Controlled by PID and Fuzzy Logic Control. Engineering and Applied Sciences. 5:55-65.
2019A comprehensive micro unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV/Drone) forensic framework. Digital Investigation. 30:52.
2019An Analytical Model for Predicting Turn-ON Overshoot in Normally-OFF GaN HEMTs. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics. 8:99.
Article (Web of Science)
2020An Analytical Model for Predicting Turn-ON Overshoot in Normally-OFF GaN HEMTs. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS. 8:99-110.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/jestpe.2019.2947152
2020An Automated Model Tuning Procedure for Optimizing Prediction of Transient and Dispersive Behavior in Wide Bandgap Semiconductor FETs. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. 35:12252-12263.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/tpel.2020.2986928
2020An Investigation of Frequency Dependent Reliability and Failure Mechanism of pGaN Gated GaN HEMTs. IEEE ACCESS. 8:137312-137321.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/access.2020.3011453
2020Effect of Substrate Choice on Transient Performance of Lateral GaN FETs. IEEE JOURNAL OF THE ELECTRON DEVICES SOCIETY. 8:331-335.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/jeds.2020.2981607
2020Mitigation of PV Variability Using Adaptive Moving Average Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY. 11:2252-2262.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/tste.2019.2953643
2019A comprehensive micro unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV/Drone) forensic framework. DIGITAL INVESTIGATION. 30:52-72.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.diin.2019.07.002
2017Modeling and Characterization of Vertical GaN Schottky Diodes With AlGaN Cap Layers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES. 64:2172-2178.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/TED.2017.2686778
2017Characterization and Modeling of 10-kV Silicon Carbide Modules for Naval Applications. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS. 5:309-322.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/JESTPE.2016.2626305
2017Characterization and Modeling of 10-kV Silicon Carbide Modules for Naval Applications. IEEE JOURNAL OF EMERGING AND SELECTED TOPICS IN POWER ELECTRONICS. 5:309-322.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/jestpe.2016.2626305
2017Modeling and Characterization of Vertical GaN Schottky Diodes With AlGaN Cap Layers. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRON DEVICES. 64:2172-2178.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/ted.2017.2686778
2014Maximum Power Point Tracking Using Model Reference Adaptive Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER ELECTRONICS. 29:1490-1499.Full Text via DOI: 10.1109/tpel.2013.2263154
Dissertation (Faculty180)
Patent (Faculty180)
Proceedings (Faculty180)
Proceedings Paper (Web of Science)
2018An Automated SPICE Modeling Procedure Utilizing Static and Dynamic Characterization of Power FETs. 2017 THIRTY SECOND ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC). 255-262.
2018Effects of Control-FET Gate Resistance on False Turn-on in GaN Based Point of Load Converter. 2017 IEEE NATIONAL AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE (NAECON). 339-343.
2017Analytical and Experimental Optimization of External Gate Resistance for Safe Rapid Turn On of Normally Off GaN HFETs. 2017 THIRTY SECOND ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC). 1958-1963.
2017Comparison of GaN and Si-Based Photovoltaic Power Conversion Circuits Using Various Maximum Power Point Tracking Algorithms. 2017 THIRTY SECOND ANNUAL IEEE APPLIED POWER ELECTRONICS CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION (APEC). 2977-2982.
2017Effects of Parasitic Inductance on Performance of 600-V GaN Devices. 2017 IEEE ELECTRIC SHIP TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM (ESTS). 50-55.
2017Grid Integration of Building Systems and 1 MW Photovoltaic Array using VOLTTRON. 2012 IEEE 38TH PHOTOVOLTAIC SPECIALISTS CONFERENCE (PVSC), VOL 2. 2926-2930.
2016Isolated/Non-Isolated Quad-Inverter Configuration For Multilevel Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Dual Six-Phase Star-Winding Converter. PROCEEDINGS 2016 IEEE 25TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS (ISIE). 498-503.
2016Optimized Carrier Based Multilevel Generated Modified Dual Three-Phase Open-Winding Inverter For Medium Power Application. 2016 IEEE TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION CONFERENCE AND EXPO, ASIA-PACIFIC (ITEC ASIA-PACIFIC). 40-45.
full name
- Raghav Khanna
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo