Springer Organization
publisher of
- Cosmetics Marketing Strategy in the Era of the Digital Ecosystem: Revolutionary Beauty in the New Market Frointier 2024
- Soft Computing Applications in Modern Power and Energy Systems: Select Proceedings of EPREC 2022 2023
- Rising Asia and American Hegemony: Practices of Global Firms from Japan, Korea, China and India. 2020
What’s in a name? Historical and contemporary trends in brewery names along the US 23 corridor in Ohio
. Geography of Time, Place, Movement and Networks: Mapping Journeys at Personal, Local, National and Global Scales . 191-216. 2024 - Exploring the relationships between Analytics and Big Data and New Populism. Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. 2024
- Williamson, C., (2023) Working with Human Trafficking Survivors (pp 121-134) . . In de Chesnay, M. & Sabella, D., Human Trafficking: A Global Health emergency: Perspectives from Nursing, Criminal Justice, and the Social Sciences. Springer. 13. 2023
- Aspects of violence in family context and child violence prevention in Portugal. Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence. 2515. 2023
- Defining digital biomarkers. Digital phenotyping and mobile sensing. 465-468. 2023
- Locums Tenems. An Emergency Physician's Path. 417-420. 2023
- New Populism, Technology and World of Work. Encyclopedia of New Populism and Responses in the 21st Century. 2023
- Studying psychopathology in relation to smartphone use: From self-reports to objectively measured smartphone behavior. Digital phenotyping and mobile sensing. 259-276. 2023
- The Algebra Project, Feature Talk, and the History of Mathematics. CSHPM-BSHM Proceedings: People, Places, and Practices. 2023
- "Though the Heavens May Fall: The Mansfield Decision (1772)". Get Your Knee off Our Necks: From Slavery to Black Lives Matter. 313-25. 2022
- Meeting the Challenge of COVID-19: How American Craft Breweries Responded. COVID-19 and an Emerging World of Ad Hoc Geographies. 1487-1513. 2022
- The role of ABC transporters in the actions of drugs of abuse. Handbook of Substance Misuse and Addictions: From Biology to Public Health. 1-18. 2022
- Alcohol and Cocaine Co-usage. Handbook of Substance Misuse and Addictions: From Biology to Public Health. 1-19. 2021
- Monopolar vs Bipoloar . Essentials of Radiofrequency Ablation of the Spine and Joints. 51-52. 2021
- Do Chinese corporate foundations enhance civil society?. Handbook on corporate foundation: Corporate and civil society perspectives . 125-148. 2020
- Leveraging brewing history: The case of Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine neighborhood. Urban and Regional Planning and Development: 20th Century Forms and 21st Century Transformations. 453-466. 2020
- Staged Reconstruction for Chronic Rupture of Both Peroneal Tendons Using Hunter Rod and Flexor Hallucis Longus Tendon Transfer. The Peroneal Tendons. 337-346. 2020
- Community-based Political Interventions. Community-based Health Interventions in an Institutional Context. 109-124. 2019
- Quantification of lipid content in oleaginous biomass using thermo-gravimetry. Microbial Lipid Production - Methods and Protocols. 121-129. 2019
- Altered Microbiota and their Metabolism in Host Metabolic Diseases. Mechanisms Underlying Host-Microbiome Interactions in Pathophysiology of Human Diseases. 129-165. 2018
- Politics of Knowledge in Community-based Work. Dimensions of Community-based Projects in Health Care. 67-78. 2018
- Sexual behavior as an addictive or compulsive phenomenon. Addiction Medicine: Science and Practice (2nd ed.). Page numbers have not been assigned because book is in press. 2018
- Transbrachial Access. Textbook of Catheter-Based Cardiovascular Interventions. 395. 2018
- Transfemoral Access for Large-Bore Interventions. Textbook of Catheter-Based Cardiovascular Interventions. 387. 2018
- Osteoarthritis of the Hip and Knee. Orthopedic Surgery Clerkship: A Quick Reference Guide for Senior Medical Students. 273. 2017
- An Examination of Cultural Influences in Green Environmental Behaviour in India and the United States. Let’s Get Engaged! Crossing the Threshold of Marketing’s Engagement Era. 51. 2016
- Diabetes-Related Conditions and Complications in Orthopaedic Surgery. Diabetic Bone Disease. 71. 2016
- Movements at war? Disability and anti-occupation activism in Israel. Occupying Disability: Critical Approaches to Community, Justice, and Decolonizing Disability. 47. 2016
- Influence of Gut Microbiota on Hepatic Lipogenesis and Disease Pathogenesis. Hepatic De Novo Lipogenesis and Regulation of Metabolism. Chapter 9. 2015
- Location Models for Preventive Care. Applications of Location Analysis. 223. 2015
- Managerial Power-Base Effects on Sales Person Intrinsic Motivation and Performance: A Conservation of Resources View. Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old. 699. 2015
- The Nature Theatres of the Occult Revival: Performance and Modern Esoteric Religions. The Changing World Religion Map. 2477. 2015
- Use of smart polymers in drug delivery. Excipient Applications in Formulation Design and Drug Delivery. 169-199. 2015
- Analytical Long-Term Care Capacity Planning. Operations Research and Health Care Policy. 39. 2013
- The Chaperokine Activity of HSPA1A. Cellular Trafficking of Cell Stress Proteins in Health and Disease. 201. 2012
- The costs and benefits of arguing: Predicting the decision whether to engage or not. Topical themes in argumentation theory: Twenty exploratory studies . 307-322. 2012
- Molecular signatures of bladder cancer. Bladder Tumors. 91. 2011
- Renal Ischemia and Approach to the Renal Hilum: Tips and Tricks. Robotic Urologic Surgery. 287. 2011
- Maize Transcription Factors.. The Maize Handbook Volume 2 – Genetics and Genomics. 798. 2009
- Incorporation of Genomics and Proteomics in Drug and Biomarker Development. Pancreatic Cancer. 713. 2008
- Phospholipase C-coupled receptors and activation of TRPC channels. Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) Channels. 593. 2007
- Analyzing the G2/M checkpoint. Checkpoint Controls and Cancer. 51. 2004
- FACS-based detection of phosphorylated histone H3 for the quantitation of mitotic cells. Checkpoint Controls and Cancer. 293. 2004
- Evidence for the intermediate phase in chalcogenide glasses. Phase Transitions and Self-Organization in Electronic and Molecular Networks. 65. 2002
- Modeling decomposition in arctic ecosystems. Landscape Function and Disturbance in Arctic Tundra. 347. 1996
- Fortifying Machine Learning-Powered Intrusion Detection: A Defense Strategy Against Adversarial Black-Box Attacks 2024
- Emotion Contagion by Geospatial Event Detection 2022
- Predicting kidney transplant survival using multiple feature representations for HLAs. 51-60. 2021
- Predicting kidney transplant survival using multiple feature representations for HLAs. 51-60. 2021
- Classification of PTSD and non-PTSD using cortical structural measures in machine learning analyses — Preliminary study of ENIGMA-Psychiatric Genomics Consortium PTSD Workgroup. 118-127. 2020
- Classification of PTSD and non-PTSD using cortical structural measures in machine learning analyses — Preliminary study of ENIGMA-Psychiatric Genomics Consortium PTSD Workgroup. 118-127. 2020
- A Coupled Chemo-Mechanical Analysis of the Dissolution-Dominated Sinkholes 2018
- Exploring a Coupled Approach to Model the Geomechanical Processes of Sinkholes. 99-107. 2018
- Karst Development and Hydrogeological Characteristics of Typical Limestone Formations in Guizhou, China. 329-337. 2018
- Global Vs. Local Brand Positioning Strategies: the Moderating Effect Of Belief in Global Citizenship 2015
- Multiple factorizations of bivariate linear partial differential operators 2009
- The influence of the pore fluid on desiccation of a deformable porous material. 413-420. 2007
- Creep of geomaterials due to coupled damage and spontaneous mineral dissolution. 15 pages, CD-ROM.. 2006
- Dust-penetrated arm classes – Insights from rising and falling rotation curves. 155-164. 2004