Trieu L Le



  • I obtained my undergraduate degree in Mathematics in Viet Nam. I joined the Graduate Program at the University at Buffalo in 2002. After completing my Ph.D. degree in Mathematics in 2007, I spent one year as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and another year at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. I came to the University of Toledo as a visiting assistant professor in 2009. I then served as a lecturer from 2012 to 2015, when I became a tenure-track assistant professor. I was granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor in Fall 2019. I have taught both undergraduate and graduate courses, ranging from College Algebra to Ph.D. courses. My research interests are in Operator Theory, Functional Analysis. Since 2007, I have published more than thirty five research papers in internationally-recognized Mathematics journals, including Integral Equations Operator Theory, Journal of Operator Theory, Journal of Functional Analysis, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, Advances in Mathematics. I have served as a referee for various journals.

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  • Trieu L Le


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