
  • Dr. Young Seo is a Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Toledo. He is also jointly appointed to the Department of Chemical Engineering. He received his Ph.D degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Cincinnati, and BS and MS from Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea.  Before joining the University of Toledo, he worked for CDM Inc. as an environmental engineer, where he participated in drinking water & wastewater treatment system design and water distribution modeling projects. He also worked for the Korea Institute of Science & Technology as a research engineer for membrane systems. He is a member of the Water Research Foundation Project Advisory Committee and Water Environmental Federation Disinfection Committee. His current research involves biofilm control in water systems, disinfection & disinfection by-products, microsensors, and biological drinking water treatment for emerging water contaminants. His research has been supported by various funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, etc. Currently, he teaches in the area of environmental engineering for both undergrad and graduate students.

selected publications

full name

  • Youngwoo Seo


Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo