Michele Knox
- Professor, Psychiatry , College of Medicine and Life Sciences
Contact Info
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2024Effectiveness of Remote Implementation of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program: A Pilot Study. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. 1.
2024Parent training: a critical public health initiative.. Millenium - Journal of Education, Technologies, and Health. 2.
2023Factors Associated with the Writing of Opioid Prescriptions. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction. 21:3800.
2022"Factors Associated with the Writing of Opioid Prescriptions". International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction .
2022A multi-site study of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in Portugal. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 31:55.
2022Factors Associated with the Writing of Opioid Prescriptions. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction . 1-10.
2022Prevalence, increase and predictors of family violence during the COVID-19 pandemic, using modern machine learning approaches. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 1-18.
2020The Presentation of Child Maltreatment in Healthcare Settings. Clinical Handbook of Psychological Consultation in Pediatric Medical Settings. 451.
2019Child Advocacy Studies (CAST): A National Movement to Improve the Undergraduate and Graduate Training of Child Protection Professionals. Mitchell Hamline Law Review. 45:1129-1161.
2019Impact of education about physical punishment of children on the attitudes of future physicians. Children's Health Care. 49:1-14.
2018Child and adolescent psychiatry pre-clinical elective: Effects on intentions to choose a career in child and adolescent psychiatry. . International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research. 37:236-242.
2018Child and adolescent psychiatry pre-clinical elective: Effects on intentions to choose a career in child and adolescent psychiatry. . International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research. 37:236-242.
2018Decreasing caregiver’s positive attitudes toward spanking: An evaluation of the Play Nicely program and parent-child characteristics in a community sample. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 32:333-339.
2018Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Relationships Among Program Awareness, Use, and State Mandates. Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy. 32:129-133.
2017Characteristics of Sleep in a Pediatric Population Seeking Mental Health Services. Psychology. 8:2534-2546.
2017Cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of internalizing disorders in high-functioning youth with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy.
2017Incorporating Child Maltreatment Training into Medical School Curricula. Journal of child & adolescent trauma. 10:267-274.
2017International child abuse prevention: Insights from ACT Raising Safe Kids. Child and Adolescent Mental Health.
2017Violent Video Games Exposed: A Blow by Blow Account of Senseless Violence in Games. The Journal of psychology. 151:76-87.
2016Changing Health Care Professionals' Attitudes Toward Spanking. Clinical pediatrics. 55:1005-11.
2015Effects of medical student training in child advocacy and child abuse prevention and intervention. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 6:129-133.
2015Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) with children & adolescents: An update and literature review. Journal of Creativity in Mental Health.
2015History of postpartum depression and the odds of maternal corporal punishment. Families, systems & health : the journal of collaborative family healthcare. 33:395-9.
2014A multi-site study of the ACT Raising Safe Kids program: Predictors of outcomes and attrition. Children and Youth Services Review. 39:20-24.
2013Educating medical students about adolescent maltreatment. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health. 25:301-308.
2013Pilot evaluation of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program on children's bullying behavior. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 22:942-951.
2013Supporting positive parenting in community health centers: The ACT Raising Safe Kids Program. Journal of Community Psychology. 41:395-407.
2013Valproate-induced hyperammonemic encephalopathy: a case report. Innovations in clinical neuroscience. 10:12-3.
2012Lessons from Penn State: A Call to Implement a New Pattern of Training for Mandated Reporters and Child Protection Professionals. Centerpiece A Special Edition. 3:2-5.
2011ACT Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program: Effects on maltreatment-related parenting behaviors and beliefs. Journal of Family Issues. 32:55-74.
2011Awareness and utilization of a prescription reporting system among physicians: Barriers, pitfalls and reasons for use. Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy. 25:313-317.
2011Effects of game-based relaxation training on attention problems in anxious children. . Psychiatry On-line, The International Forum for Psychiatry.
2011Effects of the ACT Raising Safe Kids parenting program on children’s externalizing problems. Family Relations. 60:491-503.
2011Game-based biofeedback for pediatric anxiety and depression. Mental Health in Family Medicine. 8:195-203.
2011Parental hostility and depression as predictors of young children’s aggression and conduct problems. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 20:800-811.
2010On Hitting Children: A Review of Corporal Punishment in the United States. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 24.
2010On hitting children: A review of corporal punishment in the United States. . Journal of Pediatric Health Care.
2009A qualitative and quantitative review of Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy (EFP) with children and adolescents. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal. 1:51-57.
2008Early Childhood Professionals' Recommendations for Spanking Young Children. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma. 1:341-348.
2008Sensory Integration Disorder With OCD And Depression In A Child. Psychiatry On-Line, The International Forum of Psychiatry .
2007Parenting Stress In Primary Caregivers Of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Children. Psychiatry Online, The International Forum for Psychiatry .
2006Major depressive disorder in adolescents: Family psychiatric history predicts severe behavioral disinhibition. Journal of Affective Disorders . 90:111-121.
2004Treatment and Changes in Aggressive Behavior Following Adolescents' Inpatient Hospitalization. Psychological Services. 1:92-99.
2003Aggression in Inpatient Adolescents: The Effects of Gender and Depression. Youth & Society. 35:226-242.
2001Playing it out: The aftermath of September 11th in early child care and education . Zero to Three. 55.
2000Aggressive Behavior in Clinically Depressed Adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 39:611-618.
2000Gender Differences in Adolescents' Possible Selves. Youth & Society. 31:287-309.
1998Adolescents' Possible Selves and Their Relationship to Global Self-Esteem. Sex Roles. 39:61-80.
1994Residual Sedating Effects of Ethanol. Alcoholism :Clinical and Experimental Research . 18:831-834.
1993Effects of Ethanol, Diphenhydramine, and Triazolam After a Nap. Neuropsychopharmacology . 9:239-245.
1992Sedating Effects of Ethanol and Time of Drinking. Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research . 16:553-557.
Article (Web of Science)
2021A Multi-Site Study of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program in Portugal. JOURNAL OF AGGRESSION MALTREATMENT & TRAUMA.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2021.1933287
2019Impact of education about physical punishment of children on the attitudes of future physicians. CHILDRENS HEALTH CARE.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/02739615.2019.1678472
2018Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in the Treatment of Internalizing Disorders in High-Functioning Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY PSYCHOTHERAPY. 48:155-163.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s10879-017-9374-7
2018Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: Relationships Among Program Awareness, Use, and State Mandates. JOURNAL OF PAIN & PALLIATIVE CARE PHARMACOTHERAPY. 32:129-133.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/15360288.2018.1488793 PMID: 30198819
2018Decreasing Caregivers' Positive Attitudes Toward Spanking. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEALTH CARE. 32:333-339.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2017.11.007
2017International child abuse prevention: insights from ACT Raising Safe Kids. CHILD AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH. 22:194-200.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/camh.12238
2017Exploratory factor analysis and psychometric evaluation of the Healthcare Provider Attitudes Toward Child Maltreatment Reporting Scale. CHILDRENS HEALTH CARE. 46:356-365.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/02739615.2016.1193807
2017Violent Video Games Exposed: A Blow by Blow Account of Senseless Violence in Games. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY. 151:76-87.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/00223980.2016.1226744
2016Changing Health Care Professionals' Attitudes Toward Spanking. CLINICAL PEDIATRICS. 55:1005-1011.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0009922816667313
2015History of Postpartum Depression and the Odds of Maternal Corporal Punishment. FAMILIES SYSTEMS & HEALTH. 33:395-399.Full Text via DOI: 10.1037/fsh0000157
2014A multi-site study of the ACT Raising Safe Kids program: Predictors of outcomes and attrition. CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES REVIEW. 39:20-24.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.01.006
2014Effects of Medical Student Training in Child Advocacy and Child Abuse Prevention and Intervention. PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA-THEORY RESEARCH PRACTICE AND POLICY. 6:129-133.Full Text via DOI: 10.1037/a0031743
2013Pilot Evaluation of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Program on Children's Bullying Behavior. JOURNAL OF CHILD AND FAMILY STUDIES. 22:942-951.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s10826-012-9656-3
2012Influencing Controlled Substance Prescribing: Attending and Resident Physician Use of a State Prescription Monitoring Program. PAIN MEDICINE. 13:908-914.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-4637.2012.01412.x
2011Effects of the ACT Raising Safe Kids Parenting Program on Children's Externalizing Problems. FAMILY RELATIONS. 60:491-503.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/j.1741-3729.2011.00662.x
2011ACT Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program: Effects on Maltreatment-Related Parenting Behaviors and Beliefs. JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES. 32:55-74.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0192513X10370112
2011ACT Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program: Effects on Maltreatment-Related Parenting Behaviors and Beliefs. JOURNAL OF FAMILY ISSUES. 32:55-74.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0192513x10370112
2010On Hitting Children: A Review of Corporal Punishment in the United States. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEALTH CARE. 24:103-107.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.pedhc.2009.03.001
2006Major depressive disorder in adolescents: Family psychiatric history predicts severe behavioral disinhibition. JOURNAL OF AFFECTIVE DISORDERS. 90:111-121.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2005.09.011
2003Aggression in Inpatient Adolescents. Youth & Society. 35:226-242.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0044118x03255007
2000Aggressive Behavior in Clinically Depressed Adolescents. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 39:611-618.Full Text via DOI: 10.1097/00004583-200005000-00015
2000Gender Differences in Adolescents' Possible Selves. Youth & Society. 31:287-309.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0044118x00031003002
Book (Faculty180)
2020Clinician's Toolkit for Children’s Behavioral Health. Academic Press.
Chapter (Faculty180)
2023Aspects of violence in family context and child violence prevention in Portugal. Handbook of Anger, Aggression, and Violence. Springer. 2515.
2020Physical punishment and child maltreatment. Clinician's Toolkit for Children's Behavioral Health. Elsevier. 199.
2020Promoting healthy weight and managing childhood and adolescent obesity using evidence-based methods. Clinician's Toolkit for Children's Behavioral Health. Elsevier. 57.
2020The Presentation of Child Maltreatment in Healthcare Settings. Clinical Handbook of Psychological Consultation in Pediatric Medical Settings, Springer:. Springer, Cham. pp 451-461.
2019The ACT Raising Safe Kids Program. E. Gershoff and S. Lee (Eds), Effective Approaches to Reducing Physical Punishment and Teaching Disciplinary Alternatives. American Psychological Association.
2015All just fun and games? Men and media violence. Neurobiology of Men's Mental Health. 55-66.
2002Recognition and Treatment of Suicidal Youth: Broadening Our Research Agenda. In: Suicide Science. Suicide Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers 2002. 251-269.
Gender and Possible Selves. Possible selves: Theory, research and applications. Nova Science Publishers. 61-77.
Improving future physicians' responses to adolescent maltreatment. Adolescent Psychiatry.
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Lecture or Panel Discussion (Faculty180)
2018ACT Evaluations. ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
2018ADHD. Ohio Council for Children with Behavior Disorders Summer Behavior Institute, Bowling Green OH .
2017Program adaptation Panel and Discussion. ACT Leadership Seminar , American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
2017The ACT Parents Raising Safe Kids Program: Primary Prevention of Child Maltreatment. University of Michigan Master's Social Work Program, Ann Arbor MI .
2016The ACT Raising Safe Kids Program: Research Outcomes. American Psychological Association .
2015Research on Child Advocacy Studies Training. 2015 Child Advocacy Studies Training (CAST) Conference, Jackson MS.
2015Activities, Transactions, and Contracts: 2014 in the Great Lakes Region. ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association , Washington DC.
2015Parental Psychopathology. ACT Leadership Seminar.
2015Policies Concerning Corporal Punishment of Children. Parallel Plenary Session at the 20th International Summit & Training on Violence, Abuse & Trauma, San Diego CA.
2014Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and the Disruptive Behavior Disorders. Ohio Council for Children with Behavior Disorders 2014 Summer Behavior Institute .
2014CAST Research: Are We On the Right Track ?. 2014 Child Advocacy Studies Training Conference, National Child Protection Training Center, Winona, MN.
2014Great Progress in the Great Lakes Region: ACT Raising Safe Kids. ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington , DC.
2014Inspiring Change: Resources for Effectively Addressing Tough Topics . ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
2013A Day in the Life: Helping Families and Children with Real Issues in Real Time. Anoka County Child Abuse Prevention Conference, Blaine MN .
2013Being the Brakes: Helping Children and Teens Navigate Safely Through Life. Anoka County Child Abuse Prevention Conference, Blaine, MN .
2013Great Lakes Regional Center: Planting Seeds for Thriving Families. ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
2013The Power and Influence of the Media. Ottawa Hills Prevention Advisory Committee Conference, Ottawa Hills, OH .
2012ACT Facilitator Webinar. International webinar lecture, American Psychological Association, online, .
2012Research on ACT-RSK: A Summary and Future Directions.. ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
2011Services Where Families Need Them: ACT in Community Health Centers. Invited lecture: ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association Washington DC.
2011There's No Place Like A Healthy Home: ACT in the Great Lakes Region . Invited lecture at ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association , Washington DC.
2010ACT in Community Health Centers: Preliminary Outcomes. ACT Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
2010Practical Ideas & Sticky Subjects. ACT Leadership Seminar , American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
2010The Impact of Media Violence on Young Children. Invited lecture at Ohio Head Start Association Annual Convention, Columbus OH .
2010UNCC/CDC Multi-Site ACT-PRSK Outcome Study Preliminary Outcome Findings. ACT Leadership Seminar American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
2009Corporal Punishment of Children in the U.S. What's Wrong With This Picture?. Ninth Annual Child Abuse and Neglect Conference, Atalanta, GA.
2009Parental Knowledge of Child Development and it's Relationship to Child Maltreatment: What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us. Ninth Annual Child Abuse and Neglect Conference, Atlanta GA.
2007Media Violence , Corporal Punishment , and Physical Child Abuse: An Update. ACT Against Violence Leadership Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
2007The Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children and Alternatives. Invited Lecture, Psychology Spring Symposium, Heidelberg College, Tiffin OH .
2005Disseminating Messages that Encounter Resistance. ACT Against Violence Advanced Seminar, American Psychological Association, Washington DC .
2005Young Children and Discipline. 32nd Annual Pediatrics for the Practicing Physician Conference, Maumee, OH .
2004Media Violence and Young Children: A Dangerous Mix. Medical College of Ohio Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds, Maumee OH.
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2020How to talk about parents hitting kids: A toolkit for community messengers [Pilot]. Report of the American Psychological Association, Division 37, Society for Child and Family Policy and Practice..
2015Early Childhood Parent Training : A Vital Tool for Psychologists. American Psychological Association, Public Interest Directorate.
2015Postnatal Depression Linked to Corporal Punishment . ChildAndFamilyBlog.com.
2014How Can We Prevent Bullying? Involve Parents and Start Early. American Psychological Association, Public Interest Directorate.
2013ACT Raising Safe Kids: Coordinator Training Webinar. Webinar. American Psychological Association .
2008Playing to Kill. (DVD) United States; Copyright 2008, Partnership for Violence Free Families .
2007Considering Spanking . (DVD) United States; Copyright 2007, University of Toledo .
2000Bullying. In N. Salking & L.H. Margolis (Eds). Child Development : Volume One of the Macmillan Psychology Reference Series.
1991Conditioned drug effects and daytime sleepiness-alertness (abstract). Sleep Research, 20,73.
1991Duration of residual sedation after ethanol (abstract). Sleep Research, 20,66..
1991Napping and the reversal of drug-induced sedation (abstract) . Sleep Research 20,77.
Presentation (Faculty180)
Research Report (Faculty180)
Workshop (Faculty180)
2014ACT Coordinator Training and Motivational Interviewing Workshop. Training webinar, American Psychological Association , Public Interest Directorate, Washington, DC.
2014ACT Facilitator Training 2014. University of Toledo .
2013Becoming an ACT Facilitator. Workshop for professional's Toledo OH .
2012ACT Raising Safe Kids: Coordinator Training. University of Toledo .
2012ACT Raising Safe Kids: Facilitator Training. University of Toledo .
2011ACT Raising Safe Kids: Coordinator Training . University of Toledo, Toledo OH.
2011ACT Raising Safe Kids: Facilitator Training . University of Toledo, Toledo OH .
2011ACT Raising Safe Kids: Facilitator Workshop for Professionals. American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
2010Helping Parents to Prevent Violence: The ACT Train the trainers Workshop. Springfield Township, OH.
2009ACT Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program: Effects on Maltreatment Related Parenting Behaviors and Beliefs. American Psychological Association , Washington DC.
2009ACT Parents Raising Safe Kids: Violence Prevention for Families. University of Toledo , Toledo OH.
2008ACT Parents Raising Safe Kids: Fatherhood Workshop. University of Toledo, Toledo OH.
2008Cyberbullying. National Center for Parent's Parent Week Symposium, Toledo OH.
2008The Ten Most Dangerous Things for Children (and What We Can Do About Them ). Prevent Child Abuse Ohio Statewide Network Meeting, Toledo OH.
2007ACT Against Violence Parents Raising Safe Kids Program. University of Toledo .
2005Violence Prevention in the Early Years. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington DC.
full name
- Michele Knox
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo