
  • Jenell L. S. Wittmer, Ph.D. is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist holding degrees from Wayne State University and the College of Charleston, SC. She is a Professor of Management in the College of Business and Innovation at the University of Toledo, having received multiple awards in the areas of teaching, research, and community service. Her areas of teaching include Human Resources, with a special focus on Training and Development, Leadership Development, Organizational Behavior, and Results Based Management. 

    Dr. Wittmer’s program of research focuses on nonstandard employment (including part-time work, shift work, and nonstandard schedules), work-life conflict, the successful employment of people with disabilities, leadership and managerial development, applied statistics and measurement. She has recently published in Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Vocational BehaviorHuman RelationsHuman Resource Management, Training and Development, and Journal of Business and Psychology.

    Dr. Wittmer is a certified as an assessor for Managerial Assessment Centers, having coordinated and led assessments with the American Society of Employees. She is an expert in mid-level managerial coaching and development, with numerous clients in multiple industries, such as public schools, auto, retail, banking, manufacturing, and third-party distribution. She regularly serves as a consultant and speaker on such topics as leadership development, team leadership, disabilities awareness and strategic advantage, training and development for small businesses, and personal communication styles.  Dr. Wittmer has also held several board of directors positions, including The Ohio Business Leadership Network and the University of Toledo Family Business Center. 

selected publications

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  • Jenell Lynn-Senter Wittmer


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