Jenell Lynn-Senter Wittmer
- Professor, Management , College of Business and Innovation
Contact Info
Jenell L. S. Wittmer, Ph.D. is an Industrial/Organizational Psychologist holding degrees from Wayne State University and the College of Charleston, SC. She is a Professor of Management in the College of Business and Innovation at the University of Toledo, having received multiple awards in the areas of teaching, research, and community service. Her areas of teaching include Human Resources, with a special focus on Training and Development, Leadership Development, Organizational Behavior, and Results Based Management.
Dr. Wittmer’s program of research focuses on nonstandard employment (including part-time work, shift work, and nonstandard schedules), work-life conflict, the successful employment of people with disabilities, leadership and managerial development, applied statistics and measurement. She has recently published in Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Human Relations, Human Resource Management, Training and Development, and Journal of Business and Psychology.
Dr. Wittmer is a certified as an assessor for Managerial Assessment Centers, having coordinated and led assessments with the American Society of Employees. She is an expert in mid-level managerial coaching and development, with numerous clients in multiple industries, such as public schools, auto, retail, banking, manufacturing, and third-party distribution. She regularly serves as a consultant and speaker on such topics as leadership development, team leadership, disabilities awareness and strategic advantage, training and development for small businesses, and personal communication styles. Dr. Wittmer has also held several board of directors positions, including The Ohio Business Leadership Network and the University of Toledo Family Business Center.
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2023Data Aggregation in Multilevel Research: A Review, Recommendations, & Tutorial using the Within-Group Agreement (WGA) Package.. Journal of Business and Psychology.
2023Developing emotional intelligence to decrease work-family conflict.. Psychological Reports.
2022CEO Lessons on Workforce Success in a Global Pandemic: Voices from the C-suite. Development and Learning in Organizations. 10.1108/DLO-01-2022-0028.
2022CEO leadership learning during our global pandemic: voices from the C-suite. Strategic HR Review. 21:63-68.
2021Board of Directors’ Human Capital: Effect on Innovation in Large Firms. Southeast Business Research Association Journal. 1:5-21.
2020Board of Directors’ Human Capital: Effect on Innovation in Large Firms . Southeast Business Research Association Journal.
2020The Value of Family Business Peer Groups During a Global Crisis. Family Firm Institute.
2016Age, Gender, and Personal Life Attachments: Relationships with Job Involvement. . International Journal of HRM and Organizational Behavior. 2:48-68.
2014An application of Mobley's intermediate linkages turnover model to a full-time employee group typology. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 87:806.
2013Lessons Learned From a Part-Time Worker Typology Applied to Full-Timers. American Journal of Business. 28:210-232.
2012Non-standard work schedules and retention in the entry-level hourly workforce. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology. 85:1.
2011Effects of scheduling perceptions on attitudes and mobility in different part-time employee types. Journal of Vocational Behavior. 78:149.
2011Satisfaction with Days Worked Where Sundays are Scheduled. Human Relations. 64:901-926.
2010Emotional exhaustion among employees without social or client contact: The key role of nonstandard work schedules. Journal of Business and Psychology. 25:607.
2010Linking human capital to competitive advantages: Flexibility in a manufacturing firm's supply chain. Human Resource Management. 49:939.
Article (Web of Science)
2018Exploring the Relationship Between Diversity Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Executive Coaching to Enhance Leader Development Practices. ADVANCES IN DEVELOPING HUMAN RESOURCES. 20:285-298.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/1523422318778004
2015Schedule preferences, congruence and employee outcomes in unionized shift workers. American Journal of Business. 30:92-110.Full Text via DOI: 10.1108/ajb-01-2014-0001
2014An application of Mobley's intermediate linkages turnover model to a full-time employee group typology. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 87:806-812.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/joop.12080
2013Shared aggression concerns and organizational outcomes: The moderating role of resource constraints. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR. 34:370-388.Full Text via DOI: 10.1002/job.1807
2013Lessons learned from a part-time worker typology applied to full-timers. American Journal of Business. 28:210-232.Full Text via DOI: 10.1108/ajb-05-2013-0032
2012Non-standard work schedules and retention in the entry-level hourly workforce. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 85:1-22.Full Text via DOI: 10.1348/096317910X526803
2012Non-standard work schedules and retention in the entry-level hourly workforce. JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. 85:1-22.Full Text via DOI: 10.1348/096317910x526803
2011Attitudes towards days worked where Sundays are scheduled. HUMAN RELATIONS. 64:901-926.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0018726710396248
2011Work and personal role involvement of part-time employees: Implications for attitudes and turnover intentions. JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR. 32:767-787.Full Text via DOI: 10.1002/job.711
2011Effects of scheduling perceptions on attitudes and mobility in different part-time employee types. JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL BEHAVIOR. 78:149-158.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.jvb.2010.07.004
2010Emotional Exhaustion Among Employees Without Social or Client Contact: The Key Role of Nonstandard Work Schedules. JOURNAL OF BUSINESS AND PSYCHOLOGY. 25:607-623.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s10869-009-9153-x
2010Procedural Justice and Work Outcomes in a Unionized Setting: The Mediating Role of Leader‐Member Exchange. American Journal of Business. 25:55-70.Full Text via DOI: 10.1108/19355181201000010
Chapter (Faculty180)
2016Career Transitions and Trajectories for a Diverse Workforce: A Special Focus on Women and Older Workers. Handbook of Research on Race, Gender, and the Fight for Equality. IGI Global. 492.
2014The Impact of Diversity on Career Transitions over the Life Course. Impact of Diversity on Organization and Career Development. 151.
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Presentation (Faculty180)
Proceedings Paper (Web of Science)
2017Proactive Information Security Behavior and Individual Creativity: Effects of Group Culture and Decentralized IT Governance. 2017 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY INFORMATICS (ISI). 1-6.
full name
- Jenell Lynn-Senter Wittmer