Enhanced production of LTB4 and free radicals in rat lung by exhaustive physical exercise Article (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Kumar, T C; Reddy, K V; Anuradha, D; Reddanna, P


  • Leukotrienes formed by the action of 5-lipoxygenase on arachidonic acid are a group of endogenous compounds active in hypersensitivity reactions and inflammation. In this report the formation of LTB4 from LTA4 was measured by incubating lung microsomes from normal and exercised rats to determine whether LTB4 may have a role in the mediation of exercise-induced oxidant stress. Exhaustive exercise in the form of swimming results in the enhanced production of LTB4 in lung microsomes. Further, free radicals measured by ESR spectroscopy were also significantly increased in lung tissue from exercised rats. These results suggest a role for LTB4 in the mediation of lung tissue damage during exercise-induced oxidative stress.

publication date

  • 1997

start page

  • 641

end page

  • 6


  • 41