Intricacies in arrangement of SNP haplotypes suggest "Great Admixture" that created modern humans Article (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Dutta, Rajib; Mainsah, Joseph; Yatskiv, Yuriy; Chakrabortty, Sharmistha; Brennan, Patrick; Khuder, Basil; Qiu, Shuhao; Fedorova, Larisa; Fedorov, Alexei


  • Inferring history from genomic sequences is challenging and problematic because chromosomes are mosaics of thousands of small Identicalby-descent (IBD) fragments, each of them having their own unique story. However, the main events in recent evolution might be deciphered from comparative analysis of numerous loci. A paradox of why humans, whose effective population size is only 10, have nearly three million frequent SNPs is formulated and examined.


publication date

  • 2017

published in

start page

  • 433


  • 18