Determination and comparison of buckling load of thin sheet metal plates by classical techniques and by Finite Element techniques

cited authors

  • Hagigat, Cyrus K


  • Article was written and submitted during spring 2022 semester. However, it was published in the earlier edition due to the online format of the journal. The following email confirms this. From: Hassan Mohseni Nameghi To: Hagigat, Cyrus Sun 4/3/2022 7:23 PM Dear Dr. Hagigat, I am pleased to inform you that your article titled “Determination and comparison of buckling load of thin sheet metal plates by classical techniques and by Finite Element techniques” has been accepted with no revision, and it was published in the Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology Vol 1 Issue 1 2021. The journal charges a $100 publication fee for the scholar section. Please make a payment at All payments are processed through PayPal. Regards, Hassan Nameghi, PhD JIIET Editor Chair of Pre-Engineering Department Henry Ford College

publication date

  • 2022

start page

  • 30

end page

  • 40


  • Vol1 1 issue 1 2021; Article was written and approved in 2022. However, it was published in the earlier year edition. Article link is