Cyrus K Hagigat
- Associate Professor, Engineering Technology , College of Engineering
Contact Info
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2024Modeling a Cantilever Beam in Femap. Journal of Innovative ideas in Engineering and Technology; Issue 1, Volume 1, 2024. Issue 1, Volume 1:98-175.
2022Determination and comparison of buckling load of thin sheet metal plates by classical techniques and by Finite Element techniques. Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology Vol 1 Issue 1 2022; paper is on the following link: Vol1 1 issue 1 2021; Article was written and approved in 2022. However, it was published in the earlier year edition. Article link is
2022Lift and Drag Analysis of NACA 2412 Wing using ANSYS R2 Student Edition. JIIET (Vol 1; No 2; 2022). 1:251-388.
2022Static Stress Analysis of a Beam Fixed at One-End and Subjected to a Uniform Pressure on a Segment of Its Surface at The Free-End Using ANSYS Workbench. Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology (JIIET). Vol. 1 No:1-98.
2022Using EXCEL for numerical analysis of fluid flow in series and parallel piping systems and discussing the limitations of the numerical techniques. Journal of innovative ideas in engineering and technology; Vol 1, issue 1 2022; Paper is on the following link: Vol 1:1-7.
2021Comparing Stress results obtained by using computerized Finite Element Analysis Techniques and Classical Stress Analysis Techniques;. Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology; September Issue, Vol 1 Issue 1 2021.Archive of all journal articles can be found on
2021Using MULTISIM software as a replacement or supplement for physical labs. Computers in Education Journal. Copy of article is uploaded to faculty 180 and can be viewed. The article is published in the JULY 2021 edition of computers in education journal published by ASEE.
2021Using MUTISIM software to reinforce use and application of Thevenin’s theory in electrical circuits. Journal of Innovative Ideas in Engineering and Technology; September Issue, Vol 1 Issue 1 2021.Archive of all journal articles can be found on Volume 1.
2013Solving Vibration Analysis Differential Equations by Numerical Techniques. Computers in Education Journal. Copy of article is uploaded to faculty 180 and can be viewed. . Vol 4 :2 through 13.
2013Using EXCEL to Improve Understanding of Calculus Based Techniques in Fluid Mechanics and Developing EXCEL based Numerical Techniques When Calculus Provides no Closed Form Solution. Computers in Education Journal. Copy of article is uploaded to faculty 180 and can be viewed. . 4:82 through 88.
2011Using EXCEL for Enhancing Analysis of Serial Piping Systems. Computers in Education Journal. Copy of article is uploaded to faculty 180 and can be viewed. This paper won a best paper award. The information is attached. . 2:30 through 42.
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2021Curriculum proposal submitted to Connecticut College of Technology. Connecticut College of Technology website related to a teaching workshop sponsored by NSF.
Proceedings (Faculty180)
Teaching Materials (Faculty180)
full name
- Cyrus K Hagigat
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo