Choi, Myoung S; Graves, Maura J; Matoo, Samaneh; Storad, Z A; El Sheikh Idris, R A; Weck, Meredith L; Smith, Zachary B; Tyska, Matthew J; Crawley, Scott W
This publication was from an open submission to the Journal of Biological Chemistry I served as sole corresponding author. My Master's student served as first author.
This publication received a number of distinctions:
(i) This article was selected as a “JBC Editors’ Pick” for this issue.
(ii) Our article was further promoted with an accompanying “JBC Editors’ Pick Highlight” article in the same journal issue.
(iii) Myoung also was featured in an Author Profile biography interview in this JBC issue.
(iv) One of our images was selected as the cover of the journal issue.
(v) This article was later "reprinted" to be included in a special virtual collection issue of JBC entitled "The eukaryotic cytoskeleton". This issue can be found at: