Adhesive interaction of functionalized particles and endothelium in idealized microvascular networks Article (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Lamberti, Giuseppina; Tang, Yuan; Prabhakarpandian, B; Wang, Yi; Pant, Kapil; Kiani, Mohammad F; Wang, Bin


  • Leukocytes play a key role in the early response to tissue injury/infection resulting from physical, chemical or biological stimuli. This process involves the initiation of the leukocyte adhesion cascade mediated by a series of interactions between receptors and ligands on the endothelium and the leukocytes. Here, we characterize the adhesion profile of functionalized particles under physiological flow conditions in an idealized synthetic microvascular network (SMN) characterized by a bifurcation. We hypothesize that differences in the level of adhesion of functionalized particles in bifurcating SMNs are dependent on the ratio of adhesion molecules on the particles as well as geometric features of the in vitro networks.


publication date

  • 2013

published in

start page

  • 107

end page

  • 14


  • 89