Transcriptional regulation of human RANK ligand gene expression by E2F1 Article (Faculty180)
cited authors
- Hu, Yan; Sun, Meng; Nadiminty, Nagalakshmi; Lou, Wei; Pinder, Elaine; Gao, Allen C
- Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) is a critical osteoclastogenic factor involved in the regulation of bone resorption, immune function, the development of mammary gland and cardiovascular system. To understand the transcriptional regulation of RANKL, we amplified and characterized a 1890bp 5'-flanking sequence of human RANKL gene (-1782bp to +108bp relative to the transcription start site). Using a series of deletion mutations of the 1890bp RANKL promoter, we identified a 72bp region (-172 to -100bp) mediating RANKL basal transcriptional activity. Sequence analysis revealed a putative E2F binding site within this 72bp region in the human RANKL promoter. Overexpression of E2F1 increased RANKL promoter activity, while down-regulation of E2F1 expression by small interfering RNA decreased RANKL promoter activity. RT-PCR and enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) further demonstrated that E2F1 induced the expression of RANKL. Electrophoretic gel mobility shift assays (EMSA) and antibody competition assays confirmed that E2F1 proteins bind to the consensus E2F binding site in the RANKL promoter. Mutation of the E2F consensus binding site in the RANKL promoter profoundly reduced the basal promoter activity and abolished the transcriptional modulation of RANKL by E2F1. These results suggest that E2F1 plays an important role in regulating RANKL transcription through binding to the E2F consensus binding site.
publication date
- 2008
published in
Additional Document Info
start page
- 440
end page
- 4
- 370