publication venue for
- Capturing potential: Leveraging grass carp behavior Ctenopharyngodon idella for enhanced removal. 50. 2024
- First documentation of grass carp spawning in Lake Erie's Central Basin. 50. 2024
- Reproduction of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) in the Maumee River, Ohio: Part 1-Spawning area identification using bidirectional drift modeling. 50. 2024
- Assessing the probability of grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella ) spawning in the Sandusky River using discharge and water temperature. 50. 2024
- Predicting physical and geomorphic habitat associated with historical lake whitefish and cisco spawning locations in Lakes Erie and Ontario. 48:1636-1646. 2022
- An evaluation of fish spawning on degraded and remnant reefs in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 48:593-605. 2022
- Assessing habitat for lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) reintroduction to the Maumee River, Ohio using habitat suitability index models. 48:219-228. 2022
- Drought coincident with aeolian activity in a Great Lakes coastal dune setting during the Algoma Phase (3.1-2.4 ka), southwest Michigan. 47:1468-1484. 2021
- Towards improving an Area of Concern: Main-channel habitat rehabilitation priorities for the Maumee River. 47:1429-1436. 2021
- Spatial and temporal distributions of Dreissena spp. veligers in Lake Huron: Does calcium limit settling success?. 47:1040-1049. 2021
- Status of the major aquaculture carps of China in the Laurentian Great Lakes Basin. 47:3-13. 2021
- Using decision analysis to collaboratively respond to invasive species threats: A case study of Lake Erie grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella ). 47:108-119. 2021
- Validation of the model-predicted spawning area of grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella in the Sandusky River. 47:29-36. 2021
- Determining habitat limitations of Maumee River walleye production to western Lake Erie fish stocks: documenting a spawning ground barrier. 46:1661-1673. 2020
- Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) spawn in the St. Marys River Rapids, Michigan. 46:1479-1484. 2020
- Identification and quantification of microcystins in western Lake Erie during 2016 and 2017 harmful algal blooms. 46:289-301. 2020
- Zooplankton dynamics in a Great Lakes connecting channel: Exploring the seasonal composition within the St. Clair-Detroit River System. 45:888-900. 2019
- Assessment of larval fish assemblages and nursery habitat in the St. Clair River delta. 45:762-776. 2019
- Spatial patterns of rainbow smelt energetic condition in Lakes Huron and Erie in 2017: Evidence for Lake Huron resource limitation. 45:830-839. 2019
- Evaluating visible derivative spectroscopy by varimax-rotated, principal component analysis of aerial hyperspectral images from the western basin of Lake Erie. 45:522-535. 2019
- Unmanned aerial system based spectroradiometer for monitoring harmful algal blooms: A new paradigm in water quality monitoring. 45:444-453. 2019
- Isolation and characterization of Lake Erie bacteria that degrade the cyanobacterial microcystin toxin MC-LR. 45:138-149. 2019
- Biotic and abiotic factors influencing zooplankton vertical distribution in Lake Huron. 43:1044-1054. 2017
- Predicting spread of aquatic invasive species by lake currents. 43:14-32. 2017
- A comparison of water sampling and analytical methods in western Lake Erie. 42:965-971. 2016
- First direct confirmation of grass carp spawning in a Great Lakes tributary. 42:899-903. 2016
- Internal loading of phosphorus in western Lake Erie. 42:775-788. 2016
- Stock-specific advection of larval walleye (Sander vitreus) in western Lake Erie: Implications for larval growth, mixing, and stock discrimination. 41:830-845. 2015
- Changes in Lake Erie benthos over the last 50 years: Historical perspectives, current status, and main drivers. 40:560-573. 2014
- Habitat characteristics of a unionid refuge in the thermal plume of a power plant in western Lake Erie. 40:699-704. 2014
- Phosphorus targets and eutrophication objectives in Saginaw Bay: A 35 year assessment. 40:4-10. 2014
- Spatiotemporal characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus in the benthos of nearshore Lake Erie. 40:541-549. 2014
- Summer phytoplankton nutrient limitation in Maumee Bay of Lake Erie during high-flow and low-flow years. 40:524-531. 2014
- Trends in the distribution and abundance of Hexagenia spp. in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, 1954-2012: Moving towards recovery?. 40:156-167. 2014
- A Bayesian hierarchical model to guide development and evaluation of substance objectives under the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement. 40:49-55. 2014
- Bayesian hierarchical modeling of larval walleye (Sander vitreus) abundance and mortality: Accounting for spatial and temporal variability on a large river. 40:29-40. 2014
- Freshwater mussel community response to warm water discharge in western Lake Erie. 39:449-454. 2013
- Effects of water clarity on the length and abundance of age-0 yellow perch in the Western Basin of Lake Erie. 39:295-302. 2013
- A novel method for tracking western Lake Erie Microcystis blooms, 2002-2011. 39:83-89. 2013
- From River to Lake: Phosphorus partitioning and algal community compositional changes in Western Lake Erie. 38:90-97. 2012
- Emergence timing and subsequent downstream movements of two non-native salmonids in a Lake Superior tributary. 38:309-316. 2012
- An alternative hypothesis to invasional meltdown in the Laurentian Great Lakes region: General facilitation by Dreissena. 37:632-641. 2011
- Assessment of Microcystis growth rate potential and nutrient status across a trophic gradient in western Lake Erie. 37:92-100. 2011
- Unionid mussels from nearshore zones of Lake Erie. 37:199-202. 2011
- Lyngbya wollei in western Lake Erie. 36:167-171. 2010
- The good, the bad, and the algae: Perceiving ecosystem services and disservices generated by zebra and quagga mussels. 36:86-92. 2010
- Mapping cyanobacterial blooms in the Great Lakes using MODIS. 35:447-453. 2009
- Quantification of historical changes of submerged aquatic vegetation cover in two bays of Lake Ontario with three complementary methods. 33:122-135. 2007
- Quantification of Historical Changes of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Cover in Two Bays of Lake Ontario with Three Complementary Methods. 33:122-135. 2007
- Potential oxygen demand of sediments from Lake Erie. 31:272-283. 2005
- Potential Oxygen Demand of Sediments from Lake Erie. 31:272-283. 2005
- Community Respiration Rates in Lake Superior. 30:230-244. 2004
- Sediment Trap Studies in Lake Superior: Insights into Resuspension, Cross-margin Transport, and Carbon Cycling. 30:147-161. 2004
- Deglacial and Lake Level Fluctuation History Recorded in Cores, Beaver Lake, Upper Peninsula, Michigan. 25:263-274. 1999
- Zooplankton Grazing During the Zebra Mussel ( Dreissena polymorpha ) Colonization of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 21:567-573. 1995
- Research and management efforts to control or prevent invasion by invasive Asian carps in the Great Lakes 2021
- Lake Erie nutrients: From watersheds to open water 2014
- LIMNOLOGY Category
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
- 0380-1330
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