Springer, Dordrecht Organization
publisher of
- Heat Shock Protein (HSP)-Based Immunotherapies. Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Physiology. 2010
- Heat Shock Proteins and Diarrhea Causing Microorganisms: Emergence of Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. Heat Shock Proteins and Whole Body Physiology. 163. 2010
- Toll-like receptors and infectious diseases: role of heat shock proteins. Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Heat Shock Proteins in Infectious Disease. 153. 2009
- Nano-Second Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Direct Medical Applications. Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents. 229. 2008
- Plasma Surface Modification of Three Dimensional Poly ($\varepsilon$-Caprolactone) Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Application. Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents. 191. 2008
- Silencing of Metastasis-associated Gene 1 (Mta1) Stimulates Hsp70 Cellular Release and Neurite extension in Neuroblastoma Cells. Heat Shock Proteins and the Brain: Implications for Neurodegenerative Diseases and Neuroprotection. 273. 2008
- Uniform and filamentary nature of continuous-wave and pulsed dielectric barrier discharge plasma. Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents. 239. 2008
- Release of heat shock proteins: passive versus active release mechanisms. Heat shock proteins: potent mediators of inflammation and immunity. 3. 2007
- Towards using comparative risk assessment to manage contaminated sediments. 261. 2005
- Classification schemes for priority setting and decision making. Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making. 213. 2004
- Comparison of Risks from Use of Traditional and Recycled Road Construction Materials: Accounting for Variability in Contaminant Release Estimates. Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making. 2004
- Production of phytochemicals in plant cell bioreactors. Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Markers. 117. 2004
- Interference of Allowed and Collision-Induced Transitions in HD: Calculation. 417. 1995
- Dynamics of Interface Growth: Numerical Solution of a Continuum Equation. 74. 1990
- A Proposed Framework for Multinational Comparative Risk Analysis: Pesticide Use, Impacts and Management. Comparative Risk Assessment and Environmental Decision Making. 149.