JWST Observations of Starbursts: Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission at the Base of the M82 Galactic Wind Article (Web of Science)

International Collaboration

cited authors

  • Bolatto, Alberto D.; Levy, Rebecca C.; Tarantino, Elizabeth; Boyer, Martha L.; Fisher, Deanne B.; Cronin, Serena A.; Leroy, Adam K.; Klessen, Ralf S.; Smith, J. D.; Berg, Danielle A.; Boeker, Torsten; Boogaard, Leindert A.; Ostriker, Eve C.; Thompson, Todd A.; Ott, Juergen; Lenkic, Laura; Lopez, Laura A.; Dale, Daniel A.; Veilleux, Sylvain; van der Werf, Paul P.; Glover, Simon C. O.; Sandstrom, Karin M.; Skillman, Evan D.; Chisholm, John; Villanueva, Vicente; Lai, Thomas S. -Y.; Lopez, Sebastian; Mills, Elisabeth A. C.; Emig, Kimberly L.; Armus, Lee; Mayya, Divakara; Meier, David S.; De Looze, Ilse; Herrera-Camus, Rodrigo; Walter, Fabian; Relano, Monica; Koziol, Hannah B.; Marvil, Joshua; Jimenez-Donaire, Maria J.; Martini, Paul

publication date

  • May 1, 2024


published in



  • 967


  • 1