Shannon Oconnor
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selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2024Do impulse control difficulties moderate the relationship between intermittent fasting and disordered eating?. Eating behaviors. 55:101926.
2016Differential Effects of Estrogen and Progesterone on Genetic and Environmental Risk for Emotional Eating in Women. Clinical psychological science : a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. 4:895-908.
2015Changes in genetic risk for emotional eating across the menstrual cycle: a longitudinal study. Psychological medicine. 45:3227-37.
Bi-Directional Associations Between Real-Time Affect and Physical Activity in Weight-Discordant Siblings. JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC PSYCHOLOGY.
Differences in genetic and environmental influences on body weight and shape concerns across pubertal development in females. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH.
Disadvantage and Disordered Eating in Boys: Examining Phenotypic and Genotype x Environment Associations Across Development. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND CLINICAL SCIENCE.
Does parental divorce moderate the heritability of body dissatisfaction? An extension of previous gene-environment interaction effects. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS.
Examining vegetarianism, weight motivations, and eating disorder psychopathology among college students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS.
Exploring differential item functioning on eating disorder measures by food security status. EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS-STUDIES ON ANOREXIA BULIMIA AND OBESITY.
Food insecurity is associated with eating disorders independent of depression and anxiety: Findings from the 2020-2021 Healthy Minds Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS.
Gender-based differential item functioning in measures of eating pathology. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS.
Genetic and environmental influences on thin-ideal internalization. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EATING DISORDERS.
Interaction of hormonal and social environments in understanding body image concerns in adolescent girls. JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC RESEARCH.
The Disruptive Effects of Estrogen Removal Before Puberty on Risk for Binge Eating in Female Rats. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCE.
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Presentation (Faculty180)
full name
- Shannon Oconnor
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo