
  • Serhan Guner is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Toledo, Ohio, United States. He received his PhD from the University of Toronto, Canada. Prior to joining Toledo, he worked as a consulting structural engineer for five years and was awarded the Carson Innovation Award for his retrofit design of a large foundation system. While working at the University of Toledo, he received an ExCEEd Fellowship for demonstrating a commitment to Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd), and an Engineering Unleashed Fellowship for bringing entrepreneurially minded learning into engineering classrooms. Serhan has published more than 45 technical papers and advised more than 25 research students. He currently contributes to 6 national committees including ACI, ASCE and DFI. More information on his research can be found at www.utoledo.edu/engineering/faculty/serhan-guner/

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  • Serhan Guner


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