Peter P Feldmeier
- Endowed Chair & Professor, Philosophy and Religious Studies , College of Arts and Letters
Contact Info
Peter Feldmeier is the Murray/Bacik Endowed Professor of Catholic Studies. He holds four graduate degrees in Religious Studies and Theology with his Ph.D. in Christain Spirituality at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. His research interests are Christian Theology, Spirituality, Comparative Studies, Mysticism, Buddhism, and Buddhist-Christian studies. He is the author of nine books, over two dozen journal articles and chapters in books as well as over 60 columns in America Magazine, a Catholic periodical.
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2022"The Bodhisattva and the Christ". Dharma World. 49:3.
The Bodhisattva and the Christ
. Dharma World. 49:4. -
2021Buddhist Meditation for Christian Contemplatives: Useful and Tricky. Journal of Buddhist-Christian Studies. 40:1-7.
2020Pascal's Wager and its Many Misinterpretations. Logos. 23:roughly 20.
2020The Legacy of Nostra Aetate in Buddhist-Christian Dialogue. Journal of Buddhist-Christian Studies. 40:roughly 15.
Article (Web of Science)
2020Pascal's Wager and Its Many Misinterpretations. LOGOS-A JOURNAL OF CATHOLIC THOUGHT AND CULTURE. 23:49-69.Full Text via DOI: 10.1353/log.2020.0029
2018Emptiness, Bodhisattvas, and Meister Eckhart. Buddhist-Christian Studies. 38:187-201.Full Text via DOI: 10.1353/bcs.2018.0018
2017Perils and Possibilities of Multiple Religions Belonging: Test Case in Roman Catholicism. Open Theology. 3.Full Text via DOI: 10.1515/opth-2017-0006
2016Theology Without Walls: Sic et Non. Open Theology. 2.Full Text via DOI: 10.1515/opth-2016-0016
2013Christian Transformation and the Encounter with the World's Holy Canons. HORIZONS. 40:178-198.Full Text via DOI: 10.1017/hor.2013.72
Book (Faculty180)
2023Living Christ: A Spiritual Reading of the Gospels. Liturgical Press.
2021World Religions Today. Oxford University Press.
Book Review (Web of Science)
2021Mysticism and Intellect in Medieval Christianity and Buddhism: Ascent and Awakening. Ed. 21.Full Text via DOI: 10.1353/scs.2021.0018
2019The Dangers of Christian Practice: On Wayward Gifts, Characteristic Damage and Sin. Ed. 19.Full Text via DOI: 10.1353/scs.2019.0050
Chapter (Faculty180)
Speaking of the Ineffable: Divine Revelation and Faith
. Transforming Interreligious Encounter. Lexington Books. 19. -
2022"The Paths of Purification: Buddhaghosa and John of the Cross. Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies. Routlege. 15.
2021Agnosticism, Atheism, and Naturalism's Imaginaire: A Defense of God and Religion. Quietism, Agnosticism, and Mysticism. Springer. roughly 20.
2021The Paths of Purification: Buddhaghosa and John of the Cross. The Routledge Handbook of Buddhist-Christian Studies. Routledge. roughly 30 pages.
2019Is Theology Without Walls Workable? Yes, No, Maybe. Theology Without Walls. Routledge. 109-118.
Editorial Material (Web of Science)
2016Are Buddhism and Christianity Commensurable?: A Debate/Dialogue between Paul Knitter and Peter Feldmeier. Buddhist-Christian Studies. 165-184.Full Text via DOI: 10.1353/bcs.2016.0015
full name
- Peter P Feldmeier
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo