Oleg A Smirnov
Graduate Director, Economics , College of Arts and Letters
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selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2022Spatial Distribution of the Annual Carbon Dioxide in the Contiguous USA and Their Controlling Factors. Environmental Modeling and Assesment. 27:57–76.
2019To cluster or not to cluster? Spatial determinants of closures in the American craft brewing industry. Papers in Regional Science.
2019To cluster or not to cluster? Spatial determinants of closures in the American craft brewing industry . Papers in Regional Science. 98:1759-1778..
2018Limited Location Options: Measuring Spatial Interactions among Retailers Under Zoning Restrictions. Geographical Analysis. 50:358.
2017Clustering vs. relative location: Measuring spatial interaction between retail outlets. Papers in Regional Science. 96:721.
2016Geographic space: an ancient story retold. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 41:585.
2016Measuring the effect of transportation infrastructure on retail firm co-location patterns. Journal of Transport Geography. 51:110.
2014Cognitive Value and Numerical Accuracy in Geocomputation: Choosing a Method to Compute the Log-Jacobian Term. Geographical Analysis. 46:274.
2013Transportation Infrastructure, Industrial Productivity, and Return on Investment: Spatial Spillover Approach. Transportation Research Record. 2345:109.
2012Spatial random utility model with an application to recreation demand. Economic Modelling. 29:72.
2010Modeling spatial discrete choice. Regional science and urban economics. 40:292.
2010Spatial econometrics approach to integration of behavioral biases in travel demand analysis. Transportation Research Record. 2157:1.
2009An O (N) parallel method of computing the Log-Jacobian of the variable transformation for models with spatial interaction on a lattice. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 53:2980.
2008Social networks and the convergence of population attributes: A generalization. Journal of Regional Science. 48:359.
2007Workings of the melting pot: Social networks and the evolution of population attributes. Journal of Regional Science. 47:209.
2005Computation of the information matrix for models with spatial interaction on a lattice. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 14:910.
2002Measuring self-sustainability of economic development at the county level. The annals of regional science. 36:683.
2001Fast maximum likelihood estimation of very large spatial autoregressive models: a characteristic polynomial approach. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis. 35:301.
1996Efficient algorithms for constructing proper higher order spatial lag operators. Journal of Regional Science. 36:67.
Article (Web of Science)
2021Spatial Distribution of the Annual Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide in the Contiguous USA and Their Controlling Factors. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELING & ASSESSMENT.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s10666-021-09780-8
2020A Closed-Form Consistent Estimator for Linear Models with Spatial Dependence. GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/gean.12268
2020An analysis of pedestrian crashes using a spatial count data model. PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12523
2019To cluster or not to cluster? Spatial determinants of closures in the American craft brewing industry. PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE. 98:1759-+.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12434
2018Limited Location Options: Measuring Spatial Interactions among Retailers Under Zoning Restrictions. GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS. 50:358-377.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/gean.12150
2017Clustering vs. relative location: Measuring spatial interaction between retail outlets. PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE. 96:721-+.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12219
2016Geographic space: an ancient story retold. TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF BRITISH GEOGRAPHERS. 41:585-596.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/tran.12127
2016Measuring the effect of transportation infrastructure on retail firm co-location patterns. JOURNAL OF TRANSPORT GEOGRAPHY. 51:110-118.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2015.12.002
2014Cognitive Value and Numerical Accuracy in Geocomputation: Choosing a Method to Compute the Log-Jacobian Term. GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS. 46:274-296.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/gean.12039
2013Transportation Infrastructure, Industrial Productivity, and Return on Investment Spatial Spillover Approach. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD. 109-116.Full Text via DOI: 10.3141/2345-14
2012Spatial random utility model with an application to recreation demand. ECONOMIC MODELLING. 29:72-78.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.econmod.2010.09.026
2010Modeling spatial discrete choice. REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS. 40:292-298.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2009.09.004
2010Spatial Econometrics Approach to Integration of Behavioral Biases in Travel Demand Analysis. TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH RECORD. 1-10.Full Text via DOI: 10.3141/2157-01
2009An O(N) parallel method of computing the Log-Jacobian of the variable transformation for models with spatial interaction on a lattice. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS. 53:2980-2988.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.csda.2008.10.010
2008Social networks and the convergence of population attributes: A generalization. JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE. 48:359-365.
2007Workings of the melting pot: Social networks and the evolution of population attributes. JOURNAL OF REGIONAL SCIENCE. 47:209-228.
Book Review (Web of Science)
Chapter (Faculty180)
2001Anti-Suppressants and the Creation and Use of Non-Survey Regional Input-Output Models. Regional Science Perspectives in Economic Analysis: A Festschrift in Memory of Benjamin H. Stevens (Eds: Michael L. Lahr and Ronald Miller). North-Holland. 379-406.
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2019The Economic Impact of the Opioid Epidemic in Northwest Ohio. The University of Toledo.
2017Economic Impacts of the University of Toledo. The University of Toledo.
2014The return on Investment and Economic Value of Toledo Public School System. The University of Toledo.
2012Opportunity Costs, Productive Arbitrage, and Medium-Term Economic Growth Forecasting. Productive Arbitrage, and Medium-Term Economic Growth Forecasting (September 26, 2012).
2012Toledo-Lucas County Public Library: Economic Value and Return on Investment. The University of Toledo.
2011How to Value an Urban Network. Available at SSRN 1804416.
2011Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Multivariate Binary Response Models. Available at SSRN 1805006.
2000An Assessment of the Economic Base of Distressed and Near-Distressed Counties in Appalachia. Appalachian Regional Commission.
1998The SpaceStat Extension for ArcView 3.0. Regional Research Institute, West Virginia University: Morgantown.
Presentation (Faculty180)
Proceedings (Faculty180)
Review (Faculty180)
full name
- Oleg A Smirnov
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo