Nilgun Sezginis
Distinguished University Lecturer/Director, Health Information Administration Program
Director, Health Information Administration Program, School of Population Health , Health and Human Services
- 2022 The University of Toledo, Distinguished University Lecturer award
- 2022 The University of Toledo, the Alice H. Skeens Outstanding University Woman award
- 2021 Ohio Health Information Management Association (OHIMA) Professional Achievement Award
- 2020 OHIMA Lifelong Learning Scholarship
- 2020 University of Toledo, Ella Fridman Award
- 2018 Distinguished Member Award, Northwest Ohio Health Information Management Association (NWOHIMA)
- 2014 The University of Toledo, College of Health Sciences Dean's Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching
- 2011 Distinguished Service Award, Health Information Administration, Judith Herb College of Education, Health Science and Human Services, University of Toledo
- 2009 and 2018 Distinguished Member Award, NWOHIMA
- 2002 AHIMA FORE Merit Scholarship recipient
- Member of Phi Theta Kappa Society
- Franklin University Community College Scholarship recipient
- Bowling Green State University Tuition Scholarship recipient
Relevant Teaching Experience Online and Face-to-Face:
- HEAL 1800: Medical Terminology (online)
- HEAL 2700: Introduction to Public Health (face-to-face)
- HIM 2210: Medical and Pharmacological Terminology (online)
- HIM 2300: Healthcare Resource, Payer, Consumers (online)
- HIM 2310: Acute Care Clinical Classification Systems and Services (online)
- HIM 2320: Ambulatory Care Classification Systems and Services (online)
- HIM 3230: Healthcare Documentation Requirements (online)
- HIM 2350: Reimbursement Methodologies (online)
- HIM 4240: Topics in HIM: Professional Domains (online)
- HIM 4910: Integrative Capstone Experience (online)
- HIM 2260: Legal Issues in Health Information Management (online)
- HIM 4230: Compliance and Ethical Issues in Healthcare (online)
- HIM 4940: Professional Practice Experience (online)
- HIM Lab: On-campus Tutoring
- Health Information Statistics (face-to-face)
- Professional Practices (face-to-face)
- Introduction to Health Information Management (face-to-face)
- Medical Office Billing and Reimbursement (face-to-face)
- Medical Office Coding, Medical Terminology (face-to-face)
Singh, S., Evans, n., Williams, M., Sezginis, N & Baryeh, N. (2017): Influences of Sociodemographic Factors and Health Utilization Factors on Patient-Centered Provider Communication, Health Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2017.1322481,
Combs, T., Endicott, M., Kravtsova, M., Mogbo, C., & Sezginis, N. (2017). Practice Brief: Impact of physician engagement on Clinical Documentation Improvement programs. Journal of AHIMA, July 2017, pp.42-45.
Boyle, G., Combs, T., Endicott, M., Ewoterai, O., Kravtsova, M., Lo, W., & Sezginis, N. (2017): Proceedings of AHIMA's 2017 Summit on Clinical Documentation Improvement: Advancing the Documentation Journey, American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Foundation, Perspectives in Health Information Management,
Sezginis, N. (2016): Older Americans' Need to Access Dental Health Services, American Public Health Association (APHA) 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo, Denver. APHA 2016 Annual Meeting Poster Presentation
Williams, M., Sezginis, N., Baryeh, N., & Singh, s. (2017): Influences of sociodemographic factors and healthcare utilization factors on patient-centered provider communication, American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta. APHA 2017 ANNUAL MEETING ORAL Presentation
Sezginis, N. (2017): Association between oral health knowledge and oral hygiene behavior in school-aged children, American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta. APHA 2017 ANNUAL MEETING POSTER PRESENTATION
Singh, S., Saltzman, B., Sezginis, N., Melendez, K., Headley, S. (2018): Impact of perceived public and personal stigma of mental illness on help-seeking behavior for mental health services among college students, American Public Health Association (APHA) 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego. APHA 2018 ANNUAL MEETING ORAL Presentation
Sezginis, N. (2018): Evaluation of breastfeeding promotion program for low-income women in Wood County, Ohio, American Public Health Association (APHA) 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego. APHA 2018 ANNUAL MEETING POSTER PRESENTATION
- The University of Toledo Social-Behavioral-Education Internal Review Board (SBE-IRB) member and chair-designee: 2013-present
- The College of Health and Human Services, College Council member: 2023-present
- The Health Information Administration Program Advisory Board, University of Toledo: 2008- present
- Served as a judge for the area and state high school health education/public health competitions in 2016, 2017, and 2018
- The Ohio Department of Higher Education, Transfer Assurance Guidance (TAG) Faculty Review Panel member: 2017-present
- Wood County Health Department (WCHD) Board of Health Member Appointed by the District Advisory Council in March 2013 and later on by the Mayor of Northwood, OH, 2013-present
- Appointed as the President of the BOH on January 1, 2024
- Appointed as the BOH VP, January 1, 2022 -December 31, 2023
- Wood County Medical Reserve Corp (MRC), January 2021 -present
- American Public Health Association Member
- Served as an abstract reviewer for the APHA 2018-2024 Annual Meeting & Expo
- US Together, a not-for-profit Refugee Resettlement Agency, Interpreter: 2018-present
- The Health Information Technology Program Advisory Board, Terra Community College, Advisory Board Member: 2016-present
- The Ohio Department of Higher Education, Transfer Assurance Guidance (TAG) Faculty Review Panel member: 2017-present
- American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)
- Served on the AHIMA FORE Merit Scholarship Committee 2023, 2024
- Clinical Documentation Improvement (CDI) Task Force Member: January 1, 2017-2019
- Served as a reviewer on the revision to the existing "Guidelines for Achieving a Compliant ICD-10-PCS Query" Practice brief
- AHIMA Inpatient Query Toolkit
- Clinical Documentation Improvement Summit Program Committee Member: January 1, 2017-2019
- Served on the abstract selection committee and as a liaison
- Clinical Documentation Integrity (CDI) Council and the AHIMA annual conference CDI Track Committee Member: January 2020-December 2021
- Served on the abstract review and selection committee
- Career Mapping Task Force: July 2017-2019
- AHIMA Mentor: 2014-present
- Ohio Health Information Management Association (OHIMA) Member
- Served on the OHIMA Awards Selection Committee: 2017-2018
- Serving on the OHIMA Educators Day Planning Committee: 2021-present
- Northwest Ohio Health Information Management Association (NWOHIMA) Member: 2001-present. Served in the following board member positions:
- Treasurer: 2006-2009
- Data Quality Reimbursement Counsel (DQRC) Representative: 2003 -2005
- Director of Alliances: 2003-2004
- Served as a reviewer for the Journal of American College Health
- Manuscript # JACH-2022-04-0268.R2 titled "The Influence of Communicative Environments: Factors Affecting College Students' Mental Health Help-Seeking" for the Journal of American College Health.
- Subject Matter Expert/Technical Writer as a Health Information Administration and Certified Coding Specialist:
- Developed and reviewed test items for the national Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) certification exam and the national and international Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialist exams as a technical writer and reviewed test items as the subject matter expert
- Wrote assessment questions for an end-of-course pharmacology assessment in a Healthcare Informatics academic program as a Subject Matter Expert, Healthcare/Pharmacology Assessment, CompTIA Exam Services (Exemplify)
- Wrote online ICD-10-CM/PCS actives and exercises for Pearson Education as the Subject Matter Expert for a MyMedicalCodingLab
- Developed 2,250 question-and-answer sets for 30 chapters
- Developed 150 mini-medical record exercises, ten capstone activities, and supporting documents to be utilized by the students.
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2021Examining the Effect of Discrimination and Stigma on Utilization of Mental Health Services Among College Students. Journal of American College Health. 1-8.
2018Influences of Socio-Demographic Factors and Health Utilization Factors on Patient-Centered Provider Communication. Health Communication. 33:917-923.
Article (Web of Science)
2021Examining the effect of discrimination and stigma on utilization of mental health services among college students. JOURNAL OF AMERICAN COLLEGE HEALTH.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2021.1970561 PMID: 34519631
2018Influences of Socio-Demographic Factors and Health Utilization Factors on Patient-Centered Provider Communication. HEALTH COMMUNICATION. 33:917-923.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2017.1322481
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Presentation (Faculty180)
full name
- Nilgun Sezginis