Nezam Altorok



  • The goal of the current application is to review my performance after 5 year of receiving the tenur rank.  

    Since my promotion to Associate Professor with tenur in the clinical educator track in 2019, I had significant contribution to the mission of the Clollege of Medicine and Life Sciences at the University of Toledo. I am passionate about bedside teaching and medical education. 
    - I was awarded the Golden apple teaching award by COMLS in 2019, 2020 and 2024. 
    - I received The Dean's award for teaching 2021
    - I was inducted in the AoA honor society 2023 
    - I received the Departement of Internal Medicine teaching award in 2021 and 2023. 

    Currently, I serve the the Director of Internal Medicine residency training program since July 1, 2024. Of note, I served as an Associate Program Director for the past 10 years. I oversee the training of 60 residents in three tracks, primary care, categorical and preliminary medicine. 

    My long term career plan is to continue to (i) provide excellent clinical services to the community of Nothwest Ohio, (ii) provide excellent teaching for our students and residents, (iii) assist my faculty colleagues in providing excellent teaching for our learners. I think promotion to Professor will assist me in reaching these goals.  


selected publications

full name

  • Nezam Altorok


Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo