Nezam Altorok



  • The goal of the current application is a request for consideration for promotion to Professor.  I completed my residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Toledo in 2011, and joined the University of Michigan for 2-years fellowship in Rheumatology. In 2013, I joined again University of Toledo as an Assistant Professor in Internal Medicine, division of Rheumatology. During the past 5 years, I have been significantly involved in medical education of medical students, residents and fellows. During the past 5 years, I  was able to establish the rheumatology fellowship program at the University of Toledo, which is highly competitive program and desired fellowship by UT students (currently 3/4 fellows are formers UT students).

     I am also serving as an associate program director for the Internal Medicine Residentcy program and  I am the director of facutly development program in Internal Medicine. I have conducted or facilitated many teaching activities and faculty development activities such as workshops and didactics with a focus on studetns and residents feedback, bedside rounding, burnout among others. 

    My long term career plan is to continue to (i) provide excellent clinical services to the community of Nothwest Ohio, (ii) provide excellent teaching for our students and residents, (iii) assist my faculty colleagues in providing excellent teaching for our learners. I think promotion to Professor will assist me in reaching these goals.  


selected publications

full name

  • Nezam Altorok


Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo