Megan C Costello
- Associate Professor of Criminal Justice, Human Services , Health and Human Services
Contact Info
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2022Changing Patterns in Violent Victimization: An Exploration of Causes and Correlates of Narrowing the Gender Gap (1973-2018). Crime & Delinquency.
2021Felonious line-of-duty officer deaths (1995-2015): The impact of tenure and age revisited. International Journal of Police Science and Management..
2019Drug Courts and Net-Widening in US Cities: A Reanalysis Using Propensity Score Matching. Criminal Justice Policy Review. 0887403419828045.
2018Examining the Long-Term Consequences of Bullying on Adult Substance Use. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 43:85.
2009The effectiveness of sexual victimization prevention among college students: A summary of “what works”. Victims and Offenders. 4:398.
Book (Faculty180)
Chapter (Faculty180)
2013Vulnerabililties and opportunities 101: The extent, nature, and impact of stalking among college students and implications for campus policy and programs.. Campus Crime: Legal, Social, and Policy Perspectives. Charcles C. Thomas. 210-230.
2007Vulnerabililties and opportunities 101: The extent, nature, and impact of stalking among college students and implications for campus policy and programs.. Campus Crime: Legal, Social, and Policy Perspectives. Charcles C. Thomas. 210-230.
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2016TPD Community Survey. Toledo Police Department Annual Community Survey.
2012Measurement. Sexual Violence and Abuse: An Encyclopedia of Prevnetion, Impacts, and Recovery.
2012Proteching Subject's Rights. Sexual Violence and Abuse: An Encyclopedia of Prevnetion, Impacts, and Recovery.
2010Physical health consequences of victimization. Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention.
2010Psychological and behavioral consequences of victimization. Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention.
Presentation (Faculty180)
Research Report (Faculty180)
full name
- Megan C Costello
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo