Kasey A Tucker-Gail
Program Director, Jesup Scott Honors College, Office of the Provost , Human Services , Health and Human Services
Contact Info
Dr. Kasey A. Tucker-Gail is a Professor in the Criminal Justice Program and New Program Director for the Jesup Scott Honors College - Office of the Provost. She earned her Ph.D. in sociology from Western Michigan University with an emphasis on criminology (law enforcement and applied research methodology. She also has a cognate concentration in public administration (focusing on policy analysis & program evaluation). Her academic pursuits focus mainly on law enforcement issues Specifically, she is working on the Toledo Initiative to Reduce Violence (TCIRV) as the lead academic for the Law Enforcement Intelligence Team, and as a member of the Systems Analysis Team. Her current law enforcement research involves the use of body cameras, training and curriculum development, and community police interactions. She serves on the Chiefs Advisory Board for Toledo Police Department and is involved in several community based research initiatives with TPD. Further, she is involved in collaborative research projects both in her department, across the university, and in the community. She was the Founding Director for the Center for Student Advocacy and Wellness and a Department of Justice (Office of Violence Against Women) Campus grant recipent in both 2016 and 2020. She is currently working on collaborative research in the area of victimization, drug courts and law enforcement officer deaths. She is a member of the Editorial Review Board for Drug Court Review with the National Drug Court Resource Center. She is actively engaged in the honors college, reponsible for "reimagined" curriculum development, alumni and development engagement.
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2022Changing Patterns in Violent Victimization: An Exploration of Causes and Correlates of Narrowing the Gender Gap (1973-2018). Crime & Delinquency. https://doi.org/10.1177/00111287211072447.
2021Felonious line-of-duty officer deaths (1995-2015): The impact of tenure and age revisited. International Journal of Police Science and Management..
2019Drug Courts and Net-widening in U.S. Cities: A Reanalysis Using Propensity Score Matching. Criminal Justice Policy Review. 31:1-22.
2015Exploring the Value of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory--3 for Predicting Attrition and Recidivism Among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling. 36:101.
2010Felonious line-of-duty officer deaths (1995--1999): The impact of tenure and age. International journal of police science & management. 12:119.
2010Job involvement, job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment and the burnout of correctional staff. Criminal Justice and behavior. 37:239.
2010Policing views from around the globe: An exploratory study of the views of college students from Bangladesh, Canada, Nigeria, and the United States. International Criminal Justice Review. 20:229.
2009An Assessment of Literature on the sate of technology in law enforcement. Law Enforcement Executive Forum. 9:85-92.
2009Problems at work: Exploring the correlates of role stress among correctional staff. The Prison Journal. 89:460.
2009The impact of the work environment on prison staff: The issue of consideration, structure, job variety, and training. American Journal of Criminal Justice. 34:166.
2008Differences at the Border: Views of Crime, Criminals, Punishment, and Treatment Among Canadian and US College Students. INternet Journal of Criminology.
2007A preliminary study of gender differences on views of crime and punishment among Chinese college students. International Criminal Justice Review. 17:108.
2007Minneapolis police department pursuit study.. Law Enforcement Executive Forum. 7:95-102.
2006Classifying urban and rural law enforcement research: Individual fields of ecology. Law Enforcement Executive forum. 6:13-21.
2006Two Americas: Capital Punishment Views among Canadian and US College Students.. International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences. 1.
2004The Fourth Era of Policing: Strategic Management. Law Enforcement Executive Forum. 4:61-69.
Article (Web of Science)
2021The Role of the Social Network in Fatal Opioid Overdose Prevention: The Former Opioid User's Perspective. JOURNAL OF DRUG ISSUES.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/00220426211006365
2019Drug Courts and Arrest for Substance Possession: Was the African American Community Differentially Impacted?. CRIME & DELINQUENCY. 65:352-374.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0011128718789856
2015Exploring the Value of the Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-3 for Predicting Attrition and Recidivism Among Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence. JOURNAL OF ADDICTIONS & OFFENDER COUNSELING. 36:101-112.Full Text via DOI: 10.1002/jaoc.12006
2014Animal-Assisted Therapy and Rogers’ Core Components Among Middle School Students Receiving Counseling Services: A Descriptive Study. JOURNAL OF CREATIVITY IN MENTAL HEALTH. 9:174-187.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/15401383.2014.899939
2010Job Involvement, Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment and the Burnout of Correctional Staff. CRIMINAL JUSTICE AND BEHAVIOR. 37:239-255.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0093854809351682
2010Policing Views From Around the Globe: An Exploratory Study of the Views of College Students From Bangladesh, Canada, Nigeria, and the United States. International Criminal Justice Review. 20:229-247.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/1057567710375984
2009Multivariate analysis of reasons for death penalty support between male and female college students: empirical support for Gilligan’s ‘ethic of care’. Criminal Justice Studies. 22:239-260.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/14786010903166957
2009Problems at Work: Exploring the Correlates of Role Stress Among Correctional Staff. The Prison Journal. 89:460-481.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0032885509351006
2009The Impact of the Work Environment on Prison Staff: The Issue of Consideration, Structure, Job Variety, and Training. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE. 34:166-180.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s12103-009-9062-6
2007A Preliminary Study of Gender Differences on Views of Crime and Punishment Among Chinese College Students. International Criminal Justice Review. 17:108-124.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/1057567707302537
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Dissertation (Faculty180)
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2016TPD Community Survey. Toledo Police Department Annual Community Survey.
2016“Toledo Community Initiative to Reduce Violence: Public Release of Program Outcomes.”. Toledo Police Departmnet.
2006Report of Study of Length of Stay for Prisoners in the Mahoning County Jail.. Submitted to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio through the Special Master appointed in the case of Roberts v. Mahoning County (Case No. 3:03 CV 2329)..
2006Report on Between Major Events in Felony Cases in the Mahoning County Court of Common Pleas. Submitted to the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio through the Special Master (Vincent Nathan) appointed in the case of Roberts v. Mahoning County (Case No. 3:03 CV 2329)..
Presentation (Faculty180)
Research Report (Faculty180)
full name
- Kasey A Tucker-Gail