
  • As Director, Jolene oversees information and access services at the Mulford Health Science Library and serves as a liaison to University Libraries' Collection Services department. With the other librarians at Mulford, she provides multifaceted reference service in the library (face-to-face, phone, email, chat) and meets with faculty and staff in their offices or labs; conducts literature searches for research; and has been a guest lecturer in courses in the Colleges of Health Science and Human Service, Medicine, and Nursing. Jolene facilitated problem-based learning small groups of first-year medical students for Clinical Reasoning and taught in "Mastering the Biomedical Literature: Skill Sets for the Virtual Environment," a two-week elective for fourth-year medical students. She selects material in the foundational sciences, physician assistant studies, and transplantation and donation sciences for Mulford Library.

    She is closely involved with the Divistion of Physician Assistant Studies, Department of Family Medicine, for which she was the Scholarly Project Coordinator for a number of years. She currently lectures in PHYA 6130: Research and Statistics and PHYA 6500 Introduction to Clinical Practice on evidence-based practice, searching the medical literature, and using EndNote. She also lectures in the Transplantation and Donation Sciences Program (also part of the Department of Family Medicine).

    Jolene has worked at the Mulford Library since 1995, when she was hired as the Reference/Education Librarian; in 2005, she became the Coordinator of Information Services. Prior to her work at the University of Toledo (Medical College of Ohio; Medical University of Ohio), she worked as a reference/instruction librarian at Cleveland State University.

selected publications

full name

  • Jolene M. Miller


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