Jennifer M Glassman
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director, School of Intervention & Wellness , Health and Human Services
Contact Info
Jennifer Glassman, PhD, CCC-SLP, CHES serves as an associate professor at The University of Toledo. She has been with university since 2007and served as a visiting professor, clinic manager, and supervisory clinician for the speech language pathology program during that time. She earned her doctorate in Health Education in 2017. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist and an ASHA Certified Speech Language Pathologist. She teaches courses in childhood speech and language disorders. Jenn also assists in coordinating the Interprofessional Education (IPE) program at UToledo. Her research interests include the relationship between communication disorders and health. Jenn’s passion is service; she is the faculty advisor to UToledo’s NSSLHA student organization, serves on the advisory board for a local YMCA, and sits on the board of directors for the Ohio Speech Language Hearing Association.
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2022A Health Communication Campaign Designed to Improve Study Habits and Wellness: A Feasibility Study. Journal of American College Health.
2022A Health Communication Campaign Designed to Improve Study Habits and Wellness: A Feasibility Study. Journal of American College Health. 72:1651-1654.
2022A Health Communication Campaign Designed to Improve Study Habits and Wellness: A Feasibility Study. Journal of American College Health.
2021Health Status of Adults with Hearing Loss in the United States. . Audiology Research. 11:100-111.
2021Health Status of Adults with Hearing Loss in the United States. Audiology Research. 11:100-111.
2020Development of a hearing conservation program for elementary schools. Perspectives of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Special Interest Group (SIG 16).. 5:1750-1766.
2020Development of a hearing conservation program for elementary schools. Perspectives of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Special Interest Group (SIG 16)..
2019Understanding and Addressing the Impact of Hearing Acuity on Healthcare and Healthcare Communication. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. 15:138-141.
2019Understanding and addressing the impact of hearing acuity on healthcare and healthcare communication. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. 15:138-141.
2018Knowledge of hearing loss among university students pursuing careers in health care. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology. 30.
2018Knowledge of hearing loss among university students pursuing careers in health care. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology.
2018The Drunchies Hangover: Heavy Episodic Drinking and Dietary Choices while Drinking and on the Following Day. California Journal of Health Promotion. 16 (1):79-90.
2017Hearing Loss and the Achievement Gap Among Minority Youth. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. 2:9-17.
2017Hearing Loss and the Achievement Gap Among Minority Youth. . Perspect ASHA SIGs (SIG 8). 2:9-17.
2017Measuring classroom acoustics. eHearsay. 7:4-13.
2017The drunchies hangover: Heavy episodic drinking and dietary choices while drinking and the following day. California Journal of Public Health. 16:79-90.
2016Measuring Classroom Acoustics. eHearsay: Electronic Journal of the Ohio Speech-Language Hearing Association. 3:4-13.
2016Noise Pollution (Noise-Scape) Among School Children. Journal of Educational, Pediatric & (Re)Habilitative Audiology. 22:1-9.
2016Noise pollution among school children. Journal of Educational Audiology. 23:1-9.
2013Obesity: A public health failure?. American Journal of Health Studies . 28:8-11.
Article (Web of Science)
2021Health Status of Adults with Hearing Loss in the United States. AUDIOLOGY RESEARCH. 11:100-111.Full Text via DOI: 10.3390/audiolres11010011 PMID: 33801974
2019Knowledge of Hearing Loss among University Students Pursuing Careers in Health Care. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF AUDIOLOGY. 30:273-281.Full Text via DOI: 10.3766/jaaa.17071 PMID: 30461410
Book (Faculty180)
2022Don't Read This Book. Xlibris.
2022Read This Book/Don't Read This Book. Xlibris .
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Lecture or Panel Discussion (Faculty180)
Presentation (Faculty180)
full name
- Jennifer M Glassman