.. A Haughton
- Professor, Educational Studies , Judith Herb College of Education
Contact Info
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2023A pragmatic approach to preparing novice doctoral qualitative researchers
https://scholarworks.iu.edu/journals/index.php/josotl/article/view/33815. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 23. -
2022A Model for Incorporating Information Literacy and Collaboration in a PBL Pedagogical Exercise with Application to a Fluid Mechanics Course. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education.
2022A Model for Incorporating Information Literacy and Collaboration in a PBL Pedagogical Exercise with Application to a Fluid Mechanics Course. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education.
2022A Model for Incorporating Information Literacy and Collaboration in a PBL Pedagogical Exercise with Application to a Fluid Mechanics Course. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education.
2021Internationalisation through a Confucius Sister City partnership: Examining a 10-year sister city and university bi-lateral partnership.. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.
2020Improving Learning Outcomes through Peer Assisted Learning in a Statics Course. ASEE - JET - Journal of Engineering Technology.
2020Improving learning outcomes through peer assisted learning in a statics course. ASEE - JET - Journal of Engineering Technology.
2019A content analysis of the emergent scholarship on digital and open badges in higher education learning and assessment. Issues and Trends in Learning Technologies. 7.
2019Active learning strategies and competency-based design in research education: A longitudinal review. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. 19:58-77.
2018The development and implementation of a short-term international practicum for pre-service educators.. International Research and Review, Journal of Phi Beta Delta Honor Society for International Scholars. 8:1-25.
2013A health communication intervention to reduce high-risk drinking among college students at a Midwest university. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice. 50:355-372.
2013Digital disturbances, disorders, and pathologies: A discussion of some unintended consequences of technology in higher education. . Educational Technology. 53:3-16.
2013Technology-supported assessment systems: A comparison of accredited and unaccredited programs.. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. 13:419-431.
2012Leadership in distance learning: qualities and qualifications sought by higher education institutions. American Journal of Distance Education. 26:180-199.
2011The unforeseen perils of mobile technology in field settings. Ohio Journal of Teacher Education. 24:14-19.
2010Systematic improvement of web-based learning: A structured approach using a course improvement framework. Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 6:446-453.
2009Assessment in colleges of education: A preliminary examination of assessment systems and infrastructure. Mid-Western Educational Researcher. 22:38-48.
2009Dynamic complexity: The interrelationship of systems thinking, accreditation standards, and assessment resources to promote continuous improvement.. Ohio Journal of Teacher Education. 22:5-14.
2009Engaging with faculty to develop, implement, and pilot electronic performance assessments of student teachers using mobile devices. The Teacher Educator. 44:275-284.
2009Technology supported systems in SCDE: Myth verses reality. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 41:369-390.
2009The online educator: Instructional strategies for effective practice. . Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 5:570-576.
2007Accreditation data collection requirements vs. faculty loads: One college’s use of self-study to balance these two realities. Teacher Educator . 43:209-223.
Conference Poster (Faculty180)
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2016Council for Accreditation and Educator Preparation Self-Study Report. Council for Accreditation and Educator Preparation.
Presentation (Faculty180)
Proceedings (Faculty180)
Teaching Materials (Faculty180)
Workshop (Faculty180)
Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineering (Technology) education: Starter Kit,
. 49th Global Conference on Improving University Teaching (IUT) in Putrajaya, Malaysia. -
2023“Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineering (Technology) Education: Starter Kit”. 2023 Hybrid Conference on Improving University Teaching (IUT).
2023Workshop: Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineering (Technology) Education: Starker Kit. 2023 ASEE NC Section .
2023Workshop: Entrepreneurial Mindset for Engineering (Technology) Education: Starker Kit. 2023 ASEE NC Section .
full name
- .. A Haughton
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo