Ehab A Eltahawy

  • Associate Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
    Program Director, Interventional Cardiology Fellowship
    Cardiovascular Catheterization Laboratory Director
    Program Director, Cardiovascular Medicine Fellowship
    , Medicine , College of Medicine and Life Sciences


  • I graduated from Ain Shams University, Faculty of medicine Cairo Egypt, in June 1994, with ‘Distinction’ and ranked 2nd in my graduating class.  This was followed by a year of compulsory internship. I subsequently matched with a spot in the competitive Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency at the University Hospital. In Egypt, this is essentially a guarantee of a Faculty appointment and academic career at the end of training.

    Six months into the residency, I realized my wish to pursue postgraduate training abroad. My parents had taken a similar path that led them to training in London, England, Glasgow, Scotland and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. These were the countries I grew up in - no doubt the experience shaped who I am and what my personal and professional goals were.

    I successfully matched into a 1 year ‘Transitional Year’ residency at Hurley Medical Center/Michigan state University, Flint, Michigan in July 1999 as I was still undecided between pursuing surgery or an internal medicine specialty at that time.  This was followed by a 3-year Internal Medicine residency at Michigan State University, before being selected as a 4th year Chief Resident year in the same institution. Since my wife was finishing her Ob/Gyn residency, a 4-year program, this was ideal.

    My cardiology fellowship started July 2004 at the ‘Medical College of Ohio’ (MCO), now known as the University of Toledo Medical Center.  A 4th year of Interventional Fellowship with training in coronary, peripheral, and limited structural (ASD, PFO, balloon valvuloplasty) interventions followed.

    This completed a total of 9 years of graduate medical education here in United States.

    Early on, it was clear that my goal was to pursue an academic career.  This was confirmed during my administrative fourth-year Chief residency. I worked towards that goal during my fellowship by enrolling in the Master of Public Health (MPH) program at the Northwest Ohio Consortium for Public Health, Bowling Green State University/University of Toledo. I graduated with an MPH in June 2008, at the end of my interventional fellowship with a focus on Epidemiology and Advanced Statistics.

    I joined the faculty of the Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences in January 2009, after 6 months in which I adjusted my visa status.  

    Promotion to Associate Professor was granted in July 2016; approximately 2 and 1/2 years later than the usual trajectory.  This was due to a combination of unforeseen delays including documentation required.

    At this stage, 12 years after joining the teaching faculty, I am applying to the rank of full Professor at the University of Toledo, College of Medicine and Life Sciences.

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  • Ehab A Eltahawy


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