Edmund B Lingan
Professor of Theatre
Interim Associate Dean, Theatre and Film , College of Arts and Letters
Contact Info
Dr. Edmund B. Lingan joined the University of Toledo in Theatre in August 2007. He teaches theatre history/criticism courses and playwriting. Lingan also directs main stage productions.
Before coming to The University of Toledo, Lingan acted, directed, and wrote plays that were produced in theatres in New York City, where he lived and worked for 15 years. In New York, Lingan served as the managing director of Brooklyn’s One Arm Red, as the production and literary dramaturg for the Looking Glass Theatre in New York City, and as the Assistant to the Director of Programs at the Martin E. Segal Theatre Center in New York City.
Lingan’s area of research focuses on intersections between religion, spirirtuality. performance, and theatre--with particular emphasis upon intersections between occultism and theatre between the nineteenth century and the present. His book, The Theatre of the Occult Revival: Alternative Spiritual Performance from 1875 to the Present, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in November 2014.
Lingan's articles and reviews have appeared in several academic journals, including Dramatic Theory and Criticism, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, Religion and the Arts, Ecumenica, Theatre Survey, Theatre Journal, Western European Stages, Religion and Theatre, Slavic and Eastern European Performance, and Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft.
Lingan is a member of Glacity Theatre Collective, which produces plays in Toledo, and sometimes tours productions to other locations in the United States and abroad. In connection with Glacity, Lingan co-created an original musical, The House of Vinyl, which was accepted for presentation at the 2016 Toronto Fringe Festival.
Lingan earned a Ph.D. in Theatre Studies from the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York in 2006.
selected publications
Art Exhibit Review (Web of Science)
2018The Occult Art of L'ordre de la Rose plus Croix du Temple et du Graal: Sar Josephin Peladan's R+C Salons, 1892-1897. PAJ-A JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE AND ART. 98-106.Full Text via DOI: 10.1162/pajj_a_00411
Article (Faculty180)
2018Joséphin Péladan, the Rose+Cross Salons, and Modernist Occultism. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art.
2016A Disturbing Mix of Religion and Politics: Aleister Crowley's The Savior. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art. 38:90.
2015The Daniel Gerould Issue. Performance and Spirituality. 4:i.
2014Invocation. Ecumenica: Journal of Theatre and Performance. 7:29-32.
2014Medieval Drama and Contemporary Dramaturgy: Problem-Based Learning in the Twenty-First Century. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Teaching. 21:35-46.
2011Katherine Tingley's Theosophical Theatre: Greek Revivalism and New Religion in Lomaland, USA. Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism. 26:5.
2010Plato and the Theatre of the Occult Revival: Edouard Schur\'e, Katherine Tingley, and Rudolph Steiner. Religion and the Arts. 14:367.
2009A Note From the Editor: Delineating the Field. Performance and Spirituality. 1:i-ii.
2009The alchemical marriage of art, performance, and spirituality. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art. 31:37.
2009Western Esotericism in Russian Silver Age Drama: Aleksandr Blok's The Rose and the Cross. Theatre Journal. 61:501.
2008Performing Dark Arts: A Cultural History of Conjuring. Magic, Ritual, and Witchcraft. 3:218.
2006Beyond the Occult Revival: Contemporary Forms of Occult Theatre. PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art. 28:23.
2006Expressionism and Modernism in the American Theatre: Bodies, Voices, Words. Theatre Survey. 47:331.
Article (Web of Science)
2016A Disturbing Mix of Religion and Politics: Aleister Crowley's The Savior. PAJ-A JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE AND ART. 38:90-93.Full Text via DOI: 10.1162/PAJJ_a_00339
2016A Disturbing Mix of Religion and Politics: Aleister Crowley's The Savior. PAJ-A JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE AND ART. 38:90-93.Full Text via DOI: 10.1162/pajj_a_00339
2010Plato and the Theatre of the Occult Revival: Edouard Schuré, Katherine Tingley, and Rudolph Steiner. Religion and the Arts. 14:367-385.Full Text via DOI: 10.1163/156852910x511727
Book (Faculty180)
Book Review (Web of Science)
2009<i>Western Esotericism in Russian Silver Age Drama: Aleksandr Blok’s</i> The Rose and the Cross (review). Ed. 61.Full Text via DOI: 10.1353/tj.0.0208
2006Expressionism and Modernism in the American Theatre: Bodies, Voices, Words. Ed. 47.Full Text via DOI: 10.1017/s0040557406300300
Chapter (Faculty180)
2018Spirituality in Theatre. Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality in Society. Routledge. 17.
2017The Contested Maps, Multiple Worlds, and Negotiable Borders of Theatre. Mapping Across Academia. Springer Netherlands. 375.
2015The Nature Theatres of the Occult Revival: Performance and Modern Esoteric Religions. The Changing World Religion Map. Springer. 2477.
Lecture or Panel Discussion (Faculty180)
2024"Balancing Learning and Re-envisioning Assessment". Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference [Atlanta, GA].
2024"Semiotic vs. Phenomenological Casting: Who Fits the Bill?". Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference [Atlanta, GA].
2023VASTA@ATHE Centering Care Panel [Austin, TX]. Association for Theatre in Higher Education Conference.
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
2006The Theatre of the new Religious Movements of Europe and America from the nineteenth Century to the Present. Dissertation - Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York (Ph.D. in Theatre Program).
Presentation (Faculty180)
Review (Faculty180)
full name
- Edmund B Lingan