Eda D Yildirim-Ayan
- Associate Professor , Bioengineering , College of Engineering
Eda Yildirim-Ayan, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Bioengineering Department at the University of Toledo. She holds a B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ege University, Turkey, an M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Izmir Institute of Technology, Turkey, and earned her Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering (Computer-aided Tissue Engineering) from Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA in 2010.
With her interdisciplinary background, Eda specializes in fabricating biomimetic and bioactive musculoskeletal tissue scaffolds and studying them under physiologically relevant mechanical loading conditions. She currently serves as the director of the Engineered Biosystems Laboratory (EBSL). As the director of EBSL, Eda's research primarily explores the interface between mechanobiology-based musculoskeletal tissue regeneration and biomimetic design. Her work involves differentiating mesenchymal stem cells within three-dimensional tissue-like matrices under mechanically dynamic environments relevant to musculoskeletal tissues. Her prior research has laid the foundation for the proposed project, with a focus on understanding the effects of mechanical strain, amplitude, and frequency on stem cell differentiation, both in the absence and presence of soluble differentiation factors. Eda has successfully managed various aspects of her projects, including staffing, research protections, and budget management.She has secured external fundings from NIH and NSF, and industry for supporting the research at EBSL and her graduate students. She also published over 30 peer-reviewed research articles and 3 patents in musculoskeletal tissue engineering field.
The EBSL's productivity and cutting-edge research create opportunities to engage resourceful undergraduate students in research endeavors. Eda has been instrumental in providing hands-on research experiences, mentorship, and financial support to undergraduate researchers. She has supervised 26 undergraduate research students in the past, with the majority completing their bachelor's degrees. Notably, many of her mentees have pursued advanced degrees in medicine, Ph.D. programs, or master's programs. Some of her students have achieved recognition, including prestigious scholarships and internships. Several have published their findings as lead authors or co-authors in peer-reviewed journals, including Scientific Reports and Annals of Biomedical Engineering.
Eda's dedication to mentoring undergraduates and graduates has garnered recognition both at the Nationwide, UToledo, and College of Engineering. In 2021, she received National Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award from Engineering Division of the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR). At the university level, she was nominated for Outstanding Advisor Award in 2023 and 2017). At the College of Engineering level, in 2017, she received Outstanding Undergraduate Mentoring Award.
selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2024Macrophage Mechano-Responsiveness Within Three-Dimensional Tissue Matrix upon Mechanotherapy-Associated Strains. Tissue engineering. Part A. 30:314-329.
2024Mechanome-Guided Strategies in Regenerative Rehabilitation. Current opinion in biomedical engineering. 29.
2023Deciphering Cell-specific Effect of Osteoblast-Macrophage Crosstalk in Periodontitis. Tissue engineering. Part A. 29:579.
2023Extracellular Mechanical Stimuli Alters the Metastatic Progression of Prostate Cancer Cells within 3D Tissue Matrix. Bioengineering (Basel, Switzerland). 10.
2023Polysaccharide-Based Composite Scaffolds for Osteochondral and Enthesis Regeneration. TISSUE ENGINEERING PART B-REVIEWS. 29:123-140.
2023Tumor removal limits prostate cancer cell dissemination in bone and osteoblasts induce cancer cell dormancy through focal adhesion kinase. Journal of experimental & clinical cancer research : CR. 42:264.
2021Impact of Digestive Inflammatory Environment and Genipin Crosslinking on Immunomodulatory Capacity of Injectable Musculoskeletal Tissue Scaffold. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 22:1134.
2021Impact of Digestive Inflammatory Environment and Genipin Crosslinking on Immunomodulatory Capacity of Injectable Musculoskeletal Tissue Scaffold. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 22.
2021Mechano-Immunomodulation in Space: Mechanisms Involving Microgravity-Induced Changes in T Cells. Life (Basel, Switzerland). 11.
2020Miniature Non‑thermal Plasma Induced Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Lung Carcinoma Cells. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. 1-19.
2019Mechano-Immunomodulation: Mechanoresponsive Changes in Macrophage Activity and Polarization. Annals of biomedical engineering.
2019Miniature Non‑thermal Plasma Induced Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Lung Carcinoma Cells. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing. 1-19.
2017Design and validation of equiaxial mechanical strain platform, EQUicycler, for 3D Tissue Engineered Constructs. BioMed research international. 2017.
2017Effect of Uniaxial Tensile Cyclic Loading Regimes on Matrix Organization and Tenogenic Differentiation of Adipose-derived Stem Cells Encapsulated within 3D Collagen Scaffolds. Stem Cells International. DOI:10.1155/2017/6072406.
2017Investigation of non-thermal plasma effects on lung cancer cells within 3D collagen matrices. Journal of Physics D Applied Physics. 50.
2017Miniature Dielectric Barrier Discharge Nonthermal Plasma Induces Apoptosis in Lung Cancer Cells and Inhibits Cell Migration. BioMed research international. 2017.
2017Predicting cell viability within tissue scaffolds under equiaxial strain: multi-scale finite element model of collagen--cardiomyocytes constructs. Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology. 16:1049.
2016Mechanoresponsive musculoskeletal tissue differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells. Biomedical engineering online. 15:43.
2015Nanofibrous yet injectable polycaprolactone-collagen bone tissue scaffold with osteoprogenitor cells and controlled release of bone morphogenetic protein-2. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 51:16.
2014In situ osteoblast mineralization mediates post-injection mechanical properties of osteoconductive material. Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials. 38:143.
2013Biomechanical evaluation of an endplate-conformed polycaprolactone-hydroxyapatite intervertebral fusion graft and its comparison with a typical nonconformed cortical graft. Journal of biomechanical engineering. 135:061005.
2013Polycaprolactone nanofiber interspersed collagen type-I scaffold for bone regeneration: a unique injectable osteogenic scaffold. Biomedical Materials. 8:045011.
2011DIMENSIONAL POLY (s-CAPROLACTONE) SCAFFOL FOR TISSUE ENGINEERING APPLICATION. Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents. 191.
2011Development of a cold atmospheric pressure microplasma jet for freeform cell printing. Applied Physics Letters. 99:111502.
2011Enhanced cellular functions on polycaprolactone tissue scaffolds by O2 plasma surface modification. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 8:256.
2008A numerical simulation study for the human passive thermal system. Energy and Buildings. 40:1117.
2008Enhanced osteoblast function on bone tissue engineering scaffolds by plasma modification. Journal of Biotechnology. 136:S121.
2008Fabrication and plasma treatment of 3D polycaprolactane tissue scaffolds for enhanced cellular function. Virtual and Physical Prototyping. 3:199.
2008Fabrication, characterization, and biocompatibility of single-walled carbon nanotube-reinforced alginate composite scaffolds manufactured using freeform fabrication technique. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 87:406.
2007A tracer metric numerical model for predicting tortuosity factors in three-dimensional porous tissue scaffolds. Computer methods and programs in biomedicine. 87:21.
2005A mathematical model of the human thermal system. Izmir Institute of Technology, Urla Izmir Turkey.
A Study on the Effect of Non-thermal Plasma on Macrophage Phenotype Modulation. PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING.
Deciphering the Cell-Specific Effect of Osteoblast-Macrophage Crosstalk in Periodontitis. TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A.
Mechanome-guided strategies in regenerative rehabilitation. CURRENT OPINION IN BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING.
Tumor removal limits prostate cancer cell dissemination in bone and osteoblasts induce cancer cell dormancy through focal adhesion kinase. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL & CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH.
Article (Web of Science)
2021Impact of Digestive Inflammatory Environment and Genipin Crosslinking on Immunomodulatory Capacity of Injectable Musculoskeletal Tissue Scaffold. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES. 22.Full Text via DOI: 10.3390/ijms22031134 PMID: 33498864
2019Miniature Non-thermal Plasma Induced Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis in Lung Carcinoma Cells. PLASMA CHEMISTRY AND PLASMA PROCESSING. 40:99-117.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s11090-019-10037-2
2017Equiaxial Strain Modulates Adipose-derived Stem Cell Differentiation within 3D Biphasic Scaffolds towards Annulus Fibrosus. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 7.Full Text via DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-13240-3
2017Investigation of non-thermal plasma effects on lung cancer cells within 3D collagen matrices. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 50.Full Text via DOI: 10.1088/1361-6463/aa7b10
2017Creating homogenous strain distribution within 3D cell-encapsulated constructs using a simple and cost-effective uniaxial tensile bioreactor: Design and validation study. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING. 114:1878-1887.Full Text via DOI: 10.1002/bit.26304
2017Predicting cell viability within tissue scaffolds under equiaxial strain: multi-scale finite element model of collagen-cardiomyocytes constructs. BIOMECHANICS AND MODELING IN MECHANOBIOLOGY. 16:1049-1063.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s10237-017-0872-z
2017Design and Validation of Equiaxial Mechanical Strain Platform, EQUicycler, for 3D Tissue Engineered Constructs. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL.Full Text via DOI: 10.1155/2017/3609703
2017Effect of Uniaxial Tensile Cyclic Loading Regimes on Matrix Organization and Tenogenic Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells Encapsulated within 3D Collagen Scaffolds. STEM CELLS INTERNATIONAL.Full Text via DOI: 10.1155/2017/6072406
2017Miniature Dielectric Barrier Discharge Nonthermal Plasma Induces Apoptosis in Lung Cancer Cells and Inhibits Cell Migration. BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL.Full Text via DOI: 10.1155/2017/8058307
2015Exogenous nitric oxide (NO) generated by NO-plasma treatment modulates osteoprogenitor cells early differentiation. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS. 48.Full Text via DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/48/34/345401
2015Nanofibrous yet injectable polycaprolactone-collagen bone tissue scaffold with osteoprogenitor cells and controlled release of bone morphogenetic protein-2. MATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING C-BIOMIMETIC AND SUPRAMOLECULAR SYSTEMS. 51:16-27.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2015.02.030
2014In situ osteoblast mineralization mediates post-injection mechanical properties of osteoconductive material. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS. 38:143-153.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.06.018
2013Biomechanical Evaluation of an Endplate-Conformed Polycaprolactone-Hydroxyapatite Intervertebral Fusion Graft and Its Comparison With a Typical Nonconformed Cortical Graft. JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME. 135.Full Text via DOI: 10.1115/1.4023988
2013Polycaprolactone nanofiber interspersed collagen type-I scaffold for bone regeneration: a unique injectable osteogenic scaffold. BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS. 8.Full Text via DOI: 10.1088/1748-6041/8/4/045011
Book (Faculty180)
Chapter (Faculty180)
2010Precision extruding deposition for freeform fabrication of PCL and PCL-HA tissue scaffolds. Printed Biomaterials. Springer New York. 91.
2008Plasma Surface Modification of Three Dimensional Poly ($\varepsilon$-Caprolactone) Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Application. Plasma Assisted Decontamination of Biological and Chemical Agents. Springer, Dordrecht. 191.
Correction (Web of Science)
2019Mechano-Immunomodulation: Mechanoresponsive Changes in Macrophage Activity and Polarization (vol 47, pg 2213, 2019). ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 2341-2341.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s10439-019-02326-w PMID: 31388848
Other Scholarly Work (Faculty180)
Proceedings (Faculty180)
Review Article (Web of Science)
2019Mechano-Immunomodulation: Mechanoresponsive Changes in Macrophage Activity and Polarization. ANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING. 2213-2231.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s10439-019-02302-4 PMID: 31218484
2016Mechanoresponsive musculoskeletal tissue differentiation of adipose-derived stem cells. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING ONLINE.Full Text via DOI: 10.1186/s12938-016-0150-9
full name
- Eda D Yildirim-Ayan