
  • Dr. Devinder Kaur is a Professor in the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering at the University of Toledo. She received her Ph. D. degree and MS degree in Computer Engineering from Wayne State University in the years 1989 and 1985 respectively. She received M.Sc. in Medical Physics from the University of Aberdeen in 1976 and M.Sc. (Hons. School) In Physics majoring in Electronics from Panjab University in 1970. For her academic pursuits she received Thomas Rumble Fellowship, Commonwealth Fellowship and was awarded the Panjab University Medal.

    Dr. Kaur joined the University of Toledo in the Electrical Engineering department as an Assistant Professor in 1989. She was promoted to Associate Professor in 1994 with tenure. Her current research interests are in developing intelligent engineering applications using bio inspired computational algorithms for knowledge extraction. She has published more than 100 articles in leading scholarly journals and proceedings of international conferences, including IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, WSEAS Transactions, Elsevier journals and International Journal of Computational Intelligence etc. Dr. Kaur has received research grants from NSF, Daimler Chrysler, ROMAN Engineering, SOARTech (original sponsor US Air Force Research Lab), URAF, Kohler Foundation etc.

    Dr. Kaur has taught a broad range of courses at the under graduate and graduate level. She developed a new graduate course EECS6980/8980 on “Biologically Inspired Computing”, which has been offered regularly in spring semester for the last five years and attracts high enrollment. She also developed EECS 4120/5980, “Introduction to Fuzzy Systems and Applications”, which is taken by both undergraduate and graduate students.

    Dr. Kaur had summer Faculty Fellowships at NASA Glenn, AFRL Dayton and Daimler Chrysler. She was awarded the Fulbright Senior Specialist award and lectured and consulted with faculty at the Nippon Institute of Technology and Tokyo Denki University in Japan.

    Dr. Kaur has rendered services to professional organizations such as IEEE, WSEAS, ISCA, NAFIPS, SAE and IFSA in reviewing papers, organizing conferences and chairing sessions. She has served as panel reviewer for NSF and many Journals including IEEE Transactions, Neural Computing, Elsevier Journals, Journals of Intelligent systems etc.

    Her web page can be accessed at: http://www.eng.utoledo.edu/~dkaur/

selected publications

full name

  • Devinder Kaur


Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo