David J Kennedy

  • Associate Professor (Tenured)
    Co-Director-Medical School Research Curriculum
    Co-Director, Women & Philanthropy Instrumentation Center
    Co-Director, Medical Student Mentored Research Program
    , Medicine , College of Medicine and Life Sciences


  • David Kennedy received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Science from the Medical College of Ohio and completed the Morgenthaler Fellowship in Cell Biology at the Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute. His lab studies how interrelated organ systems such as heart, kidney and liver regulate cellular damage and repair during the course of chronic ailments such as heart failure, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and chronic kidney disease.  As a member of the University of Toledo Water Task Force his laboratory places a special emphasis on discovering new diagnostic, preventative and therapeutic strategies targeting cellular damage caused by environmental stressors that impair our land-water-food nexus.

selected publications

full name

  • David J Kennedy


Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo