selected publications
Article (Faculty180)
2024Bimodal distribution of Candida albicans in children with Autism linked with ASD symptoms. Gut microbes Reports.
2023Ohio Coronavirus Wastewater Monitoring Network: implementation of statewide monitoring for protecting public health. Journal of Public health Management & Practice. 29:845-853.
2023Ohio Coronavirus Wastewater Monitoring Network: implementation of statewide monitoring for protecting public health. Journal of Public Health Management & Practice. 29:845-853.
2023Ohio Coronavirus Wastewater Monitoring Network: implementation of statewide monitoring for protecting public health. Journal of Public health Management & Practice. 29:845-853.
2022Impacts of algal organic matter and humic substances on microcystin-LR removal and their biotransformation during the biodegradation process. Science of the Total Environment. 852:157993.
2022Impacts of algal organic matter and humic substances on microcystin-LR removal and their biotransformation during the biodegradation process. Science of the Total Environment. 852:157993.
2022Shotgun metagenomics study suggests alteration in > sulfur metabolism and oxidative stress in children with autism and > improvement after microbiota transfer therapy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.
2020Ecological insights into assembly processes and network structures of bacterial biofilms in full-scale biologically active carbon filters under ozone implementation. The Science of the total environment. 751:141409.
2020Multivariate Analysis of Fecal Metabolites from Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gastrointestinal Symptoms before and after Microbiota Transfer Therapy. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 10:152.
2020Structural heterogeneity yet high similarity of the microbial community on reverse osmosis membrane-driven biofilms during seawater desalination . Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 6:3066-3079.
2020Temporospatial shifts in the human gut microbiome and metabolome after gastric bypass surgery. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes . 6:1-12.
2019Human Gut Microbiota from Autism Spectrum Disorder Promote Behavioral Symptoms in Mice. Cell. 177:1600-1618.e17.
2019Long-term benefit of Microbiota Transfer Therapy on autism symptoms and gut microbiota. Scientific Reports. 9:5821.
2019Microbiota transplant therapy and autism: lessons for the clinic” Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology. Expert review of gastroenterology & hepatology. 13:1033-1037.
2017Distinctive microbiomes and metabolites linked with weight loss after gastric bypass, but not gastric banding. The ISME journal. 11:2047-2058.
2017pH-Mediated Microbial and Metabolic Interactions in Fecal Enrichment Cultures. mSphere. 2:e00047.
2015Gut bacteria in children with autism spectrum disorders: challenges and promise of studying how a complex community influences a complex disease. Microbial ecology in health and disease. 26:26914.
2014Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis: An elusive bacterium responsible for enhanced biological phosphorus removal. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 140:2-10.
2014The source of inoculum plays a defining role in the development of MEC microbial consortia fed with acetic and propionic acid mixtures. Journal of biotechnology. 182-183:11-8.
2013Phylogenetic analysis of nitrate- and sulfate-reducing bacteria in a hydrogen-fed biofilm. FEMS microbiology ecology. 85:158-67.
2012Effects of gut microbes on nutrient absorption and energy regulation. Nutrition in clinical practice : official publication of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 27:201-14.
2012Enrichment and analysis of anode-respiring bacteria from diverse anaerobic inocula. Environmental science & technology. 46:10349-55.
2012The role of homoacetogenic bacteria as efficient hydrogen scavengers in microbial electrochemical cells (MXCs). Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research. 65:1-6.
2012Using electron balances and molecular techniques to assess trichoroethene-induced shifts to a dechlorinating microbial community. Biotechnology and bioengineering. 109:2230-9.
20112,4,5-Trichlorophenol degradation using a novel TiO2-coated biofilm carrier: roles of adsorption, photocatalysis, and biodegradation. Environmental Science & Technology. 45:8359-67.
2011Anaerobic digestion and co-digestion processes of vegetable and fruit residues: process and microbial ecology. Bioresource technology. 102:9447-55.
2011Development and characterization of DehaloR^2, a novel anaerobic microbial consortium performing rapid dechlorination of TCE to ethene. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 92:1063-71.
2011Interactions between perchlorate and nitrate reductions in the biofilm of a hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor. Environmental science & technology. 45:10155-62.
Article (Web of Science)
2021Ecological insights into assembly processes and network structures of bacterial biofilms in full-scale biologically active carbon filters under ozone implementation. SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 751.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141409 PMID: 32882545
2021The Gut Microbiome in Autism: Study-Site Effects and Longitudinal Analysis of Behavior Change. MSYSTEMS. 6.Full Text via DOI: 10.1128/msystems.00848-20
2020Structural heterogeneity yet high similarity of the microbial community on reverse osmosis membrane-driven biofilms during seawater desalination. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-WATER RESEARCH & TECHNOLOGY. 6:3066-3079.Full Text via DOI: 10.1039/d0ew00366b
2020Temporospatial shifts in the human gut microbiome and metabolome after gastric bypass surgery. NPJ BIOFILMS AND MICROBIOMES. 6.Full Text via DOI: 10.1038/s41522-020-0122-5 PMID: 32170068
2020Multivariate Analysis of Fecal Metabolites from Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gastrointestinal Symptoms before and after Microbiota Transfer Therapy. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 10:152.Full Text via DOI: 10.3390/jpm10040152
2019Microbiota transplant therapy and autism: lessons for the clinic. EXPERT REVIEW OF GASTROENTEROLOGY & HEPATOLOGY. 13:1033-1037.Full Text via DOI: 10.1080/17474124.2019.1687293 PMID: 31665947
2019Human Gut Microbiota from Autism Spectrum Disorder Promote Behavioral Symptoms in Mice. CELL. 177:1600-+.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2019.05.004 PMID: 31150625
2019Long-term benefit of Microbiota Transfer Therapy on autism symptoms and gut microbiota. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 9.Full Text via DOI: 10.1038/s41598-019-42183-0 PMID: 30967657
2019Rapidly Processed Stool Swabs Approximate Stool Microbiota Profiles. MSPHERE. 4.Full Text via DOI: 10.1128/msphere.00208-19
2018Differences in fecal microbial metabolites and microbiota of children with autism spectrum disorders. Anaerobe. 49:121-131.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2017.12.007
2017Distinctive microbiomes and metabolites linked with weight loss after gastric bypass, but not gastric banding. ISME JOURNAL. 11:2047-2058.Full Text via DOI: 10.1038/ismej.2017.71
2017Microbiota Transfer Therapy alters gut ecosystem and improves gastrointestinal and autism symptoms: an open-label study. Microbiome. 5:10.Full Text via DOI: 10.1186/s40168-016-0225-7
2017pH-Mediated Microbial and Metabolic Interactions in Fecal Enrichment Cultures. MSPHERE. 2.Full Text via DOI: 10.1128/msphere.00047-17
2015Gut microbial and short-chain fatty acid profiles in adults with chronic constipation before and after treatment with lubiprostone. Anaerobe. 33:33-41.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2015.01.005
2014Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis: Elusive Bacterium Responsible for Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING-ASCE. 140:2-10.Full Text via DOI: 10.1061/(asce)ee.1943-7870.0000781
2014Selective Enrichment Yields Robust Ethene-Producing Dechlorinating Cultures from Microcosms Stalled at cis-Dichloroethene. PLOS ONE. 9:e100654.Full Text via DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100654
2014The source of inoculum plays a defining role in the development of MEC microbial consortia fed with acetic and propionic acid mixtures. JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY. 182-183:11-18.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2014.04.016
2013Phylogenetic analysis of nitrate- and sulfate-reducing bacteria in a hydrogen-fed biofilm. FEMS MICROBIOLOGY ECOLOGY. 85:158-167.Full Text via DOI: 10.1111/1574-6941.12107
2013Reduced Incidence of Prevotella and Other Fermenters in Intestinal Microflora of Autistic Children. PLOS ONE. 8:e68322.Full Text via DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068322
2012Effects of Gut Microbes on Nutrient Absorption and Energy Regulation. Nutrition in Clinical Practice. 27:201-214.Full Text via DOI: 10.1177/0884533611436116
2012Enrichment and Analysis of Anode-Respiring Bacteria from Diverse Anaerobic Inocula. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 46:10349-10355.Full Text via DOI: 10.1021/es301902h
2012The role of homoacetogenic bacteria as efficient hydrogen scavengers in microbial electrochemical cells (MXCs). WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 65:1-6.Full Text via DOI: 10.2166/wst.2011.519
2012Using electron balances and molecular techniques to assess trichoroethene-induced shifts to a dechlorinating microbial community. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING. 109:2230-2239.Full Text via DOI: 10.1002/bit.24504
20112,4,5-Trichlorophenol Degradation Using a Novel TiO2-Coated Biofilm Carrier: Roles of Adsorption, Photocatalysis, and Biodegradation. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 45:8359-8367.Full Text via DOI: 10.1021/es2016523
2011Anaerobic digestion and co-digestion processes of vegetable and fruit residues: Process and microbial ecology. BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY. 102:9447-9455.Full Text via DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2011.07.068
2011Development and characterization of DehaloR^2, a novel anaerobic microbial consortium performing rapid dechlorination of TCE to ethene. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 92:1063-1071.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s00253-011-3388-y
2011Interactions between Perchlorate and Nitrate Reductions in the Biofilm of a Hydrogen-Based Membrane Biofilm Reactor. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 45:10155-10162.Full Text via DOI: 10.1021/es202569b
Correction (Web of Science)
2012Erratum to: Development and characterization of DehaloR^2, a novel anaerobic microbial consortium performing rapid dechlorination of TCE to ethene. APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY. 273-274.Full Text via DOI: 10.1007/s00253-012-4161-6
full name
- Dae-Wook Kang
Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo