Beth Ann Hatkevich



  • Beth Ann Hatkevich, PhD, OTR/L, FAOTA, is an Associate Professor and Director of Clinical and Educational Programming in the Occupational Therapy Doctorate (OTD) Program.  She oversees the Doctoral Capstone Experience (DCE) portion of the OTD program and teaches courses related to program development, course development, faculty development, and the teaching/learning process. Dr. Hatkevich has a solid clinical background and has worked with various populations in rehabilitation and mental health settings. She is a leader in community-based practice models for occupational therapy. Her clinical and research interests include examining the lifespan transitions of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, the lived experiences of individuals with Parkinson's disease, and marginalized adults and young adults.

    Dr. Hatkevich is a member of the American Occupational Therapy Association, Ohio Occupational Therapy Association, and the Northwest Ohio Occupational Therapy Association. She has served and continues to serve in many roles for both State and National level organizations.  At the national level, Dr. Hatkevich has been an accreditor for occupational therapy and occupational therapy assistant programs for 24 years.

    Dr. Hatkevich is also the Director of Toledo Transition (T2), a Postsecondary Transition Program for Students with Intellectual and developmental disabilities. The primary goal of Toledo Transition (T2) is to provide students with intellectual and developmental disabilities a college experience that enhances social, academic, and vocational skills, leading to a high quality of life. The T2 program is a 2-year or 4-year non-degree certificate program for young adults seeking an inclusive college experience that prepares them for gainful employment.

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  • Beth Ann Hatkevich


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