Anu Garg



  • The purpose of this application is for promotion from the rank of Associate Professor to Professor at the University of Toledo. I have been a part of the Department of Internal Medicine since joining as a resident in 2004. After completing my fellowship in geriatric medicine, I returned to actively participate in the mission of the University of Toledo following a few years of private practice. Currently, I am involved in teaching medical students, residents, and fellows in both outpatient and inpatient settings. Additionally, I have been able to engage in scholarly activities and publish numerous abstracts and papers. Conducting rounds at the hospital and providing geriatric consults are among my other responsibilities. I have also been involved in administrative roles, including active participation on committees and serving as the program director for the fellowship program. I feel fully invested in the mission, vision, and values of the University of Toledo.

selected publications

full name

  • Anu Garg


Cumulative publications in Scholars@UToledo