Ahmad Y Javaid



  • (SM'19, M'15, GS'12**) Ahmad Y. Javaid received his B.Tech. (Hons.) Degree in Computer Engineering from Aligarh Muslim University, India in 2008. He received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Toledo in 2015 along with the prestigious University Fellowship Award. Previously, he worked for two years as Scientist Fellow in Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. He joined the EECS Department as an Assistant Professor in Fall 2015 and is the founding director of the Paul A. Hotmer Cybersecurity and Teaming Research (CSTAR) lab. His research expertise is in the area of cyber security of drone networks, smartphones, wireless sensor networks, and other systems. He is also conducting extensive research on human-machine teams and applications of AI and machine learning to attack detection and mitigation. During his time at UT, he has participated in several collaborative research proposals that have led to a cumulative sum of $8.5M (including all partners along with UToledo) in funding of which $1.4M has been allocated specifically to him. Out of this $5.5m, ~$3.7M has been allocated to the University of Toledo. These projects have been funded by various agencies including the NSF (National Science Foundation), AFRL (Air Force Research Lab), NASA-JPL, Department of Energy, and the State of Ohio. He also played a critical role in the cultivation of a private gift to support the CSTAR lab for cyber security research. He has published more than 85 peer-reviewed journal, conference and poster papers. He has also served as a reviewer for several high impact journals and as a member of the technical program committee for several reputed conferences.

    **Abbreviations for IEEE membership grades are GS (Graduate Student Member), M (Member), SM (Senior Member).

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  • Ahmad Y Javaid


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