Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Training for Graduate Students: An Outreach Role for Librarians


  • <span>Librarians have an increasing role in helping develop good research practices among emerging scholars. The presenters will document their collaboration with other campus entities (Provost, College of Graduate Studies, Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, Research Integrity) to develop and participate in an annual half-day training program designed to augment the required CITI training graduate students receive in the responsible conduct of research (RCR). For the past five years, they have delivered a session on the rights and responsibilities of authorship and highlight the ways in which the library is a permanent campus resource to support new researchers with matters of research and publication ethics in RCR. The presenters will explain how they came to have a seat at the planning table every year, how the content has evolved with attendee feedback, and how their complementary roles (Research Engagement, Reference & Instruction Librarian / Scholarly Communications, Head of Collections) help form additional points of contact for students just beginning to develop their professional identities. The poster will help viewers understand how librarians can become and remain centrally involved, the number of graduate students reached, the colleges served, and changes made to keep the workshop current and engaging.<br><br><br></span>