How to Select an Extracellular Matrix for Wound Repair: A Comprehensive Review Article (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Stetkevich, Samuel; Gupta, Monik; Simman, Richard; Jackson, Sarah E


  • An extracellular matrix (ECM) is a network of proteins and other molecules that provide support and structure to cells and tissues in the body. Since its discovery in 1930, researchers have reproduced the ECM through an array of evolving technologies, developing products that accelerate healing times, minimize scarring, and reduce pain. When selecting which ECM product to use, physicians rely on personal experience while considering wound location, type of tissue lost, exposed structures, chronicity, and even the patient's religious preferences. While comparison trials between a few different types of ECMs exist, there lacks a thorough investigation that assesses a majority of ECMs against each other.


publication date

  • 2023

published in

start page

  • e51


  • 23