Stone Keeper: A Collection of Poetry and Plays Book (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Coulter-Harris, Deborah M


  • <p>Stone Keeper is the author s first large collection of poetry and plays, and contains Freed from the Plough and Other Innocent Tales, Stone Keeper, The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a verse play, and Charmed Like a Snake, I m Sure, a drama about the CIA during the 9/11 crisis. <br><br>Freed from the Plough traces the growth and development of a young girl, ending in her awareness of how the world operates. Stone Keeper is a verse dialogue between Stone Keeper and her daughter, and the great pain of losing a golden son. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, a two part 11 Act verse play, follows young Daniel s journey into ancient Babylon where he meets prophets, Imams, and Rabbis; after the hanging of a king, he soon returns home to his Father's Forest to share his experiences with his friends. <br><br>Charmed Like a Snake, I m Sure is a traditional play about fictional characters and events between July and Christmas, 2001 at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), when Dr. M tries to uncover the reason her superiors are editing out Usama Bin Ladin s location from her reports. The mystery has a surprise ending, after which Dr. M is ordered to follow a dangerous mission.</p>

publication date

  • 2008


start page

  • 208