Recommendations and Next Steps Related to Competency-Based Pharmacy Education: Summary from 2021-22 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Competency-Based Education Joint Task Force White paper Article (Faculty180)
cited authors
- Rhoney, Denise H.; Chen, Aleda M.H.; Churchwell, Mariann D; Daugherty, Kimberly K; Jarrett, Jennie B; Kleppinger, Erika L; Nawarskas, James; Sibicky, Stephanie L; Stowe, Cindy D; Meyer, Susan M
- Task Force White Paper. Recommendations and Next Steps Related to Competency-Based Pharmacy Education: Summary from 2021-22 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Competency-Based Education Joint Task Force Denise H. Rhoney, Pharm.D., FCCP, FCCM, FNCS1 Aleda M. H. Chen, PharmD, PhD, FAPhA2 Mariann D. Churchwell, PharmD, FCCP, BCPS3 Kimberly K. Daugherty, PharmD, PhD, BCPS4 Jennie B. Jarrett, PharmD, BCPS, MMedEd, FCCP5 Erika L. Kleppinger, PharmD6 James Nawarskas, PharmD, PhC, BCPS7 Stephanie L. Sibicky, PharmD, MEd, BCGP, BCPS, FASCP8 Cindy D. Stowe, PharmD9 Susan M. Meyer, PhD10 1UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 2Cedarville University, School of Pharmacy, Cedarville, OH 3University of Toledo College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toledo, OH 4Sullivan University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Louisville, KY 5 University of Illinois Chicago College of Pharmacy, Chicago, IL 6Auburn University, Harrison College of Pharmacy, Auburn, AL 7University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy 8Northeastern University School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences 9University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy 10Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania<br><span>In July 2021, the chairs of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Council of Deans (COD), Council of Faculties (COF), and Council of Sections (COS) developed a task force around potential ways to improve pharmacy education. The Competency-Based Education (CBE) Joint Task Force was created with the main goals to explore the advantages and disadvantages of advancing a competency-based approach to pharmacy education and to determine ways to create more flexibility within pharmacy curricula to enable competency-based education. The Task Force systematically reviewed available resources and created this white paper outlining the advantages and disadvantages of CBE, best practices for implementation, strategies to minimize barriers, and recommendations on whether CBE should be implemented in pharmacy education.</span>
publication date
- 2022
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