Transgender Rights and Politics: Groups, Issue Framing, and Policy Adoption Book (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Taylor, Jami Kathleen; Haider-Markel, Donald P


  • Note: This is an edited volume. To date, the media has focused on the gay community’s call for the end of discrimination and for marriage equality. Likewise, most of the scholarship on gay politics and policy has focused on the morality debates over sexual orientation and the legal aspects of rights for nonheterosexuals. With the intense focus on gay and lesbian rights, transgender concerns have received little attention, from either the media or researchers in political science. However, as transgender activism has become more visible, policymakers, both in the United States and around the world, have begun to respond to demands for more equitable treatment. In this volume, Jami K. Taylor and Donald P. Haider-Markel bring together new research employing the concepts and tools of political science to explore the politics of transgender rights. Volume contributors address the framing of transgender rights in the United States and in Latin America. They discuss transgender interest groups, the inclusion of transgender activists in advocacy coalitions, policy diffusion at the state and local levels, and, importantly, the implementation of transgender public policy. This volume sets the standard for empirical research on transgender politics and demonstrates that the study of this topic can contribute to the understanding of larger questions in the field of political science.


publication date

  • 2014
