Numerical Investigation of Choked Flow in Padded Finger Seals Proceedings (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Cioc, Carmen; Cioc, Sorin; Keith, Theo G; Fleming, David


  • The aim of the present work is to continue to improve the modeling of the high-pressure seal pads by two means. First, by using a set of governing equations that, unlike previous models, incorporates the inertial effects, including choking. This way, the additional approximations at the interface between two separate models are avoided. Second, since the flow may be choked, the equations are solved using a shock capturing numerical scheme. The method used in this case is the space-time conservation element and solution element (CE/SE) scheme, which can accurately predict flows in thin films with discontinuities. Special attention is given to the choked flow cases, for which the flow becomes discontinuous near the exit boundary. The analysis should prove useful in the design process, and also in the general level of understanding the phenomena that occur in more severe cases.

publication date

  • 2005

presented at event


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