Response to Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccination in HIV-Positive Individuals on Long Term Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy Article (Faculty180)

cited authors

  • Iyer, Anita S; Leggat, David J; Ohtola, Jennifer A; Duggan, Joan M; Georgescu, Cl A; Al Rizaiza, Adeeb A A; Khuder, S A; Khaskhely, Noor M; Westerink, Julie


  • continues to cause serious infections in HIV-positive individuals in the era of highly active anti-retroviral therapy. This led to the recommendation to revaccinate HIV-positive individuals with PPV23 five years after primary vaccination. The benefits of revaccination and the impact of long term highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) on antigen-specific B cell reconstitution have remained unclear thus far and were investigated.


publication date

  • 2015

published in


  • 6