Ray, Aniruddha; Das, Susanta K; Mishra, Lokanath; Datta, Prasanta K; Saltiel, Solo M
An all-solid-state, gain-switched, green laser is developed using a side diode-array pumped Nd:YAG laser and a KTiOPO(4) (KTP) crystal as an intracavity frequency doubler. The effect of nonlinear coupling on the pulse width of the fundamental is studied and is found to be in good agreement with the experimental measurement. In this preliminary experiment, a peak power of 40 W at 532 nm corresponding to a pulse width of 409 ns is obtained for an average pump power of 2 W. Compared to a Q-switched laser, it is simple and does not require a high voltage RF driver or saturable absorbers in its operation. The laser may be useful where relatively longer nanosecond pulses are required such as eye surgery, micromachining, and underwater communication.