Electron density and electrostatic potential of KNiF3: multipole, orbital and topological analyses of vacuum-camera-imaging plate and four-circle diffractometer data Article (Web of Science)


  • The electron density and electrostatic potential of KNiF3, nickel potassium trifluoride, were studied using multipole and orbital model treatment of the precision X-ray diffraction data measured by vacuum-camera-imaging plate and four-circle diffractometer methods. Different experimental methods lead to similar multipole and atomic displacement parameters and to qualitatively the same electron densities. Good agreement was also achieved for the Laplacians of the electron density and the electrostatic potentials. Some pitfalls of the vacuum-camera-imaging plate method that could be improved are discussed.


publication date

  • 1999

number of pages

  • 7

start page

  • 923

end page

  • 930


  • 55


  • 6