The luminous B[e] binary AS 381 Article (Web of Science)


  • Miroshnichenko, A. S.
  • Chentsov, E. L.
  • Klochkova, V. G.
  • Ezhkova, O. V.
  • Gray, R. O.
  • García-Lario, P.
  • Perea Calderón, J. V.
  • Rudy, R. J.
  • Lynch, D. K.
  • Mazuk, S.
  • Venturini, C. C.
  • Puetter, R.

publication date

  • 2002

published in

number of pages

  • 10

start page

  • 171

end page

  • 181


  • 383


  • 1