The outer disk of the classical Be star ψ Per Proceedings Paper (Web of Science)


  • AbstractTo this date ψ Per is the only classical Be star that was angularly resolved in radio (by the VLA at λ = 2 cm). Gaussian fit to the azimuthally averaged visibility data indicates a disk size (FWHM) of ~500 stellar radii (Dougherty & Taylor 1992). Recently, we obtained new multi-band cm flux density measurements of ψ Per from the enhanced VLA. We modeled the observed spectral energy distribution (SED) covering the interval from ultraviolet to radio using the Monte Carlo radiative transfer code HDUST (Carciofi & Bjorkman 2006). An SED turndown, that occurs between far-IR and radio wavelengths, is explained by a truncated viscous decretion disk (VDD), although the shallow slope of the radio SED suggests that the disk is not simply cut off, as is assumed in our model. The best-fit size of a truncated disk derived from the modeling of the radio SED is 100+5−15 stellar radii, which is in striking contrast with the result of Dougherty & Taylor (1992). The reasons for this discrepancy are under investigation.


  • Klement, Robert
  • Carciofi, Alex C.
  • Rivinius, Thomas
  • Matthews, Lynn D.
  • Ignace, Richard
  • Vieira, Rodrigo G.
  • Mota, Bruno C.
  • Faes, Daniel M.
  • Štefl, Stanislav

publication date

  • 2016

number of pages

  • 1

start page

  • 414

end page

  • 414


  • 12


  • S329