Insight on Pure vs Air Exposed Hydroxide Ion Conductivity in an Anion Exchange Membrane for Fuel Cell Applications Proceedings Paper (Web of Science)


  • Conductivity of pure (air controlled) and air exposed hydroxide ion was compared using a unique sample preparation and conductivity measurements at controlled environment for a commercial FumasepÒ FAA anion exchange membrane. At 95%RH and 80°C, the membrane had conductivity value of 0.075 S/cm at the pure hydroxide form but reduced merely to 0.017 S/cm when the membrane was exposed to ambient CO2 for 2 days. A comparative anionic (OH-, CO3 2-, and HCO3 - forms) conductivity study showed the reduced ionic conductivity value by ¼ of its pure form; closed to HCO3 - forms of the membrane. This indicated the formation of ionic mixture of CO3 2-, HCO3, - and residual OH- ions in the hydroxide form of the membrane when exposed to air. The hydroxide ions also showed a smaller ionic energy of activation when compared to other anions indicating a smaller ionic transport energy barrier.


  • Pandey, Tara Prasad
  • Peters, Bethanne D.
  • Herring, Andrew M

publication date

  • 2014

number of pages

  • 5

start page

  • 1195

end page

  • 1200


  • 64


  • 3